Chapter 11 - Serendipity♡

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Taehyung heard the front door bell ring so he walked towards the door and opened it. He didn't even get to open the door fully because Jungkook and Jimin threw themselves at him hugging him tightly.

" Oh my god Kim Taehyung what took you this long to wake up? " Jimin was saying caressing Taehyung's back.

" I hate you taehyungie hyung. How dare you get into an accident and wake up like nothing happened" taehyung heard Jungkook's voice and felt him tightening the hug.

" Ugh guys. You all are choking me. Let me breathe will you ?" taehyung said gasping for air and both Jimin and Jungkook pulled away soon while giggling.

Taehyung saw Namjoon watching him with teary eyes. " He is blaming himself for your accident " Jungkook whispered to taehyung and then only he realized why namjoon was so silent all this time.

Taehyung smiled at the elder and walked to him and wrapped his arms around him. " I missed you joonie hyung " taehyung said and felt namjoon immediately hugging him back and breaking into sobs.

" Aww don't cry hyung. And please don't blame yourself for my accident okay. I am the one who's at fault because I was the one who drove so fast. No one else is at fault but myself" taehyung said caressing the crying elders back.

" I am so sorry taehyungie. Hyung couldn't protect you. And I regret letting you drive that day. If I stopped you , nothing like this would have happened." Namjoon said between his sobs but Taehyung shook his head with a smile and pulled away from the hug looking at the elder's face.

" Hyung it's not your fault okay. And you know about me more than anyone don't you? You know that I am not someone who listens to anyone when I get mad over something. Even if you tried to stop me that day, I wouldn't have stopped. I would have gone one way or another " taehyung said with a chuckle and wiped off Namjoon's tears because he couldn't watch him crying.

" Everyone come inside first . Then we can catch up " taehyung said gesturing his friends to come inside the house and closed the door once they were all in.


Y/n was eating her breakfast while going through a medical encyclopedia when her mother called her.

" Hello eomma " y/n answered the phone as soon as she saw her mother's name appear on the screen .

" How are you honey? " Mrs. Min asked her daughter.

" I am doing great eomma. Everything is very good " y/n said and then only she remembered to tell her that taehyung woke up.

" Oh eomma. You know what. Taehyung woke up from his coma last night!" She heard her mother gasp as soon as she said it.

"Oh my god really? That's a miracle honey. Are you seriously telling the truth ? " Y/n s mother said and y/n humed to the phone.

" Yes eomma. He did actually wake up. I came to work and he is at home. Seokjin oppa visited last night as soon as I informed him about taehyung." The girl replied and heard her mother sigh in relief.

" Did you talk to him honey? How is he? Is he good ? " Mrs. Min asked hoping that taehyung will treat her daughter well.

Y/n rolled her eyes hearing her mother's question but she decided to lie to her because y/n didn't want to make her mother worried.

"Yes eomma. He is a really nice person. I think we can be friends at least " y/n said and saw her professor walking into the staff room.

" Eomma professor Minhyun is here. I will call you later okay ? Love you eomma " saying that y/n disconnected the call and put her breakfast box inside before walking to talk to the professor .

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