Chapter 23 - Nifty♡

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Time Skip to Monday

It was the day of the party and y/n was freaking out since the moment she woke up. Was she excited? Yes she was more than just excited for the day.

After getting breakfast together y/n and taehyung both left for work after deciding to return home by 3. 00 in the evening to freshen up and get ready for the party.

Y/n had to assist for a surgery so it was over by 2. 30 in the afternoon. She didn't have anything else to do in the hospital after the surgery so the girl took permission from her professor and came home by 3. 00.

Y/n went home and texted taehyung saying that she already arrived home.
Within a few seconds, Taehyung responded back to her saying that he is just 5 minutes away from home. Y/n smiled at the reply and kept her phone away and went to the kitchen to make something for taehyung and herself.

She washed her hands and took out a few slices of bread and two eggs. Y/n prepared French toast quickly and placed the prepared food on a plate neatly. Just as she was done with her work in the kitchen, the front door opened with a click sound and taehyung walked in.

"I am sorry am I late y/n-ssi? " Taehyung asked with a smile and y/n shook her head.

"No Mr. Kim. You are right on time. Are you hungry? I made some french toast for both of us" y/n said and taehyung walked straight to the kitchen and took a slice of toast to his hand. Y/n gently slapped his hand with a chuckle and took the toast from his hand with a frown.

"Whaaaattt??" Taehyung asked from the girl wondering why she took what he was trying to eat.

" You didn't wash your hands!!" Y/n said while laughing and gently pushed taehyung towards the sink."Perks of being married to a doctor to be" she added with a chuckle and the male smiled at y/n and washed his hand quickly.

"May I? Now?" He asked and y/n nodded at him with a smile. "Hope you like them" she said as she watched taehyung take a piece of toast into his hand back again and put it in his mouth.

Taehyung's eyes widened as soon as he ate the piece of toast. Y/n didn't know whether it was because the food tasted good or bad. " Is it that bad?" the girl asked widening her eyes and Taehyung shook his head with a smile.

"It's really good" he said and y/n let out a relieved sigh after hearing what taehyung said.

"Well I thought you ll be hungry. So when I was making some for myself, I made more for you too" she said with a proud smile since Taehyung liked what she made.

"Thank you so much y/n-ssi. That's so thoughtful of you. I really WAS hungry" taehyung said putting another piece of toast in his mouth.

Y/n was happy to see taehyung eating and she loved to see him smile like this. She then looked at the time and then saw that it was already 3. 30 in the evening.

"Mr. Kim it's already past 3. 30. Shall I go have a wash and get dressed. I need a quite some time to put my make up on" y/n said and taehyung nodded at the girl.

"Sure y/n-ssi. Go ahead. I will also get ready after finishing this plate of toast" he said eyeing the remaining few pieces of toast on the plate.

"You are mostly welcome" y/n said while giggling and walked upstairs to have a wash and to get dressed.


Y/n spent about 30 minutes in the shower and finally came out of the bathroom. She blow dried her hair and put on her undies.

The girl went to her wardrobe and took out the bags in which her newly bought cloths were in. Y/n was so excited to try them on so without wasting anymore time, she wore the white jumpsuit and look at herself from her mirror.

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