Chapter 7 - Orphic♡

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The following day Y/n didn't go to the hospital since she had to pack her belongings to move into her new home. She heard that Taehyung is being discharged today since there is nothing more that the doctors can do for him.

Y/n refused to take her breakfast in the morning but yoongi and hobi were able to feed her forcefully. They were feeling literally devastated for their little sister but since y/n had already made up her mind, they couldn't convince her to refuse the marriage.

Y/n packed everything except for few of her clothing and accessories. She felt like she is breaking down but she was strong. She didn't want to cry anymore. And finally y/n decided to come out of her room and she walked downstairs and found her mother and father sitting on the couch in the living room.

" Oh y/n. It's good that you are here. Get your luggages ready. You have to go to your new house to arrange your belongings there. You won't have to time to do that tomorrow " Jungwon said and y/n tried to object her father.

" Appa but I won't have much work there right? So I will arrange my belongings tomorrow. Let me stay at home today please" y/n literally begged but it was no use.

" Do as I say. Get ready within 30 minutes. Kims will be there as well " saying that y/n s father stood up from the couch and looked at his wife.
" You should come with us as well yoongi's eomma " he said and walked to his room.

Y/n sat beside her mother and leaned her head on her shoulder.
" Eomma. Why is appa doing this to me ? Why does he dislike me this much ? " Y/n asked from her mother and she felt her eyes getting teary.

"It's not that appa doesn't love you honey. He loves you. But he loves money more. " Y/n s mother said caressing her daughter's hair.
" Your eomma is always waiting for you my baby girl. Whenever you feel lonely or sad or happy or whatever the situation is, you can always come to me." Mrs. Min said kissing y/n s hair.

" Now go get ready. Don't make your appa angry " y/n s mother said and the younger nodded with a slight smile on her face. " okay eomma " she said before walking back to her room.


Mr. Min's driver drove the elder Min couple and y/n to the new house that Jungwon and Hanbin bought for Taehyung and y/n. After a 15 minutes drive, the driver parked the car and everyone got down from the car and looked at the luxurious house which was standing majestically infront of them.

The house that y/n is living is bigger than this but y/n didn't expect her new house to be this big

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The house that y/n is living is bigger than this but y/n didn't expect her new house to be this big.
"Come let's go inside " they heard y/n s father say so y/n and her mother followed Jungwon into the house. Their driver followed them with y/ns luggage and he placed them in the living room until the younger takes them to her room later .

The living room downstairs was so elegant and beautiful and it had two connected living areas .

The living room downstairs was so elegant and beautiful and it had two connected living areas

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