Chapter 9 - Onerous♡

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Taehyung felt warm under the blanket as his eyes opened suddenly, immediately being blinded by the light that shone directly in them. He opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room as he tried to look around to see what was happening around him. It was a bit painful for him to move his neck so he scanned the room with his eyes trying to figure out where he was at. The surrounding was calm and quiet that he could only hear the faint cry of a bird outside.

Where am I? What is happening?

Taehyung thought to himself and he got startled feeling someone move next to him. Blinking slowly and taking a deep breath, Taehyung finally was able to take a look around the room where he had woken up in . His eyes widened in shock seeing a girl sleeping peacefully next to him curled into a ball. Taehyung was drowned in a sea of thoughts trying to remember why he is on an unfamiliar bed with a total stranger.

" Excuse me ? " He finally decide to speak but Taehyung's voice sounded hoarse and rough. " Excuse me " he repeated poking the girl's hand who was sleeping next to him.

Y/n felt someone's touch on her hand and she yawned and woke up rubbing her eyes. She realized where she was so she quickly sat up wanting to go back to her room. Y/n didn't see Taehyung staring at her since she was still so drowsy.

" Uhmmm.. excuse me "

Hearing the unfamiliar voice y/n s eyes shot up in amazement and that's when she saw taehyung staring at her and a scream escaped y/n s mouth unintentionally.

" OH MY GOODNESS. " y/n literally jumped back on the bed in pure shock. " Taehyung-ssi are you really up? " Y/n asked with a shaky voice and taehyung rolled his eyes.

" Of course I am. What did you expect me to be ? A ghost ? " Taehyung said in an irritated voice. " And why am I here ? Who are you ? " He asked again trying to sit up on the bed but y/n stopped him soon

" Taehyung-ssi. Wait. Gimme a minute" saying that y/n jumped out of the bed and ran towards her room.
Y/n was terrified to see taehyung waking up from his coma out of nowhere. She didn't know what to say and how to introduce herself to him. Obviously she can't go and tell him that she is his new wife who was married to him forcefully. Y/n knew that taehyung will never believe that forceful part.

"Ugh Kim Taehyung why couldn't you wake up yesterday!! If so nothing like this would have happened"
Y/n thought letting out a deep sigh. She took her mobile from the charger and dailled Kim seokjin's number because she knew that she had to inform his family first.

"Seokjin oppa " y/n called as soon as Seokjin picked up the phone.

" Yes little one? How are you ? What made you call m.."

" TAEHYUNG-SSI WOKE UP !! " y/n said without letting Seokjin complete what he was saying. She heard the elder gasp from the other end and then Seokjin replied in a trembling voice.

" What are you talking about y/n-ssi. Don't joke around saying something like that please " Seokjin sounded serious but y/n was serious as well.

" No I m not joking Seokjin oppa. Taehyung-ssi woke up and he is now in his room. I came to my room to get my steth to go check on him and that's when I remembered to call you first" y/n said and for her amazement she heard a sob from the other end. She knew that Seokjin loves taehyung so much and that he must be overjoyed to hear this good news.

" I am coming to your house right now y/n-ssi. " Saying that Seokjin disconnected the call. Y/n put the phone into her pocket and went to her wardrobe.

She took out the stethoscope and the mini flash light from her handbag and hurried back to Taehyung's room deciding to introduce herself as his personal doctor .

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