Chapter 48 - Ineffable ♡

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Taehyung got down from the SUV as a security guard opened the door for him. All he could hear was the loud cheers of his fans who were waiting for him that the venue. Taehyung looked at them and greeted them with his warm smile and slight bow as he walked to the stage which was prepared for taking photos.

The model posed for photos looking effortlessly handsome. Whenever taehyung changed his pose, loud cheers erupted from the crowd making it obvious how loved and appreciated the model was.

Once taehyung was done taking photos, he took the microphone which was given to him by the event MC and looked at his fans, ARMYs and started to speak

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Once taehyung was done taking photos, he took the microphone which was given to him by the event MC and looked at his fans, ARMYs and started to speak.

"Hello ARMYs and everyone here. I am Kim Taehyung. Thank you so much for coming here to see me today. I am very honoured and thankful to see your presence. Thank you so much " saying that taehyung did a full 90 degree bow and looked at the crowd with a smile.

"By the way, I didn't come here alone today. I came with someone who is very special to me. Hope you all welcome her as well "

Once he said that, taehyung went to the SUV again to open the door for his wife.

Taehyung opened the door and offered his hand to y/n helping her to get down the car. The girl was feeling VERY nervous because of the crowd surrounding them but the model smiled at her and mouthed a soothing "issokay baby. I got you" making y/n relax.

As soon as y/n was standing in front of ARMY, the whole crowd went "Aaaaahhh " because it was the FIRST time that the model made an official public appearance with his wife. Y/n knew what she had to do so she smiled beautifully at the crowd and waved at them a little following what taehyung was doing.

It's not like the girl hadn't previously posed with Taehyung for pictures. She did this when the couple attended the business party that Mr. Min, Y/n's father, had organized. But in this instance, everything was completely different because the venue was filled with ARMYs and other fans. The girl had to stand in front of such a large crowd for the FIRST time, thus it was evident that she was feeling anxious and nervous. While posing for photos, she felt her hand trembling, but Taehyung softly squeezed her hand to reassure her that she was doing great.

After a short while, the staff led Taehyung and Y/n into the location, and upon seeing them together, everyone greeted them with smiles on their faces. Many other renowned celebrities and other professionals were seeing Taehyung and his wife for the first time. The girl received numerous praises and as a result, she was a blushing mess as she listened to everyone admiring her appearance and the outfit.

After a while Taehyung held Y/n s hand and walked with her to the area where they were serving champagne. He took a glass of champagne and handed it to his wife first and then he took one for himself.

"Cheers to my new Celine brand ambassador" Y/n said with a beautiful smile as she clinked the glass with Taehyung.

"Cheers to my gorgeous and THE prettiest wife whom I love the most " The male said in response and hearing that made the girl blush and turn red like a tomato.

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