Chapter 38 - Reverie♡

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" You have a visitor Mr. Kim"

Taehyung looked at the side where the photographer showed him and he felt like his heart burst out of his chest just by seeing the person who was standing in front of him.

It was none other than his life, the love of his life , his everything, his y/n. She was standing next to Namjoon with a beautiful smile on her face and she had a big camera on her hand as well.

Taehyung forgot where he was, he didn't care what he had to do and he didn't care that he had make up on, he ran to her, he literally flew to her and engulfed y/n in a bone crushing hug. Y/n immediately hugged him back wrapping her free arm around Taehyung. Namjoon noticed how the camera was stopping the girl from wrapping both her hands around the younger male, so he slowly took the camera which was on y/n s hand into his letting the couple hug each other without any burden. As y/n felt namjoon taking the camera from her, she snaked both her arms around Taehyung and hugged him tightly inhaling his sweet scent.

After staying like that for sometime, taehyung pulled away from the hug and stared into her eyes. He could see the love that the girl held for him in them and he felt like he was drunk with her love. Taehyung was feeling overwhelmed with happiness and he slowly cupped her face with one hand while the other was still around her waist.

"I love you" he said and covered her lips with his gently.

Y/n could hear the people who were around them gasping in surprise but she didn't really care about it at all. She knew that taehyung wouldn't give a fuck about what others think so without any hesitation, y/n kissed taehyung back so lovingly. Taehyung's lips moved on hers and he whispered I love you s in-between the kisses making sure that only y/n could hear them.

They didn't involve the tongue at all and their kiss was not a fierce or a rough one. Instead, their kiss was so loving, so passionate and it was full of emotions. Both taehyung and y/n didn't feel the time fly because they were too immersed in the warmth, the comfort that they felt when they were with each other.


Hearing Namjoon clear his throat, Taehyung gently pulled away from the kiss and again pecked y/ns lips with a smile. And then he turned to look at Namjoon who was watching the couple with a humongous smile on his face showing off his dimples so well.

" Are you sick hyung? Do u have cough?" Taehyung asked with a smirk and namjoon laughed at the playfulness of the young model.

"Well all of us are here so you should probably continue your actions and stuff when you go back to the hotel, INSIDE THE ROOM" the elder said returning the smirk to taehyung. Y/n chuckled softly hearing what Namjoon said and looked at taehyung and spoke.

" I will watch you from here baby. You should go and get the make up artists to touch up the makeup." The girl said fixing Taehyung's outfit gently.

" When did you come here baby? How? What about your thesis? Wasn't namjoon hyung with me? How did you come with him?" Taehyung asked a bunch of questions from his wife but she giggled and kissed his cheek.

" I will tell everything to you when you are done with today's shoot alright? Now go and let me see the professional model in you, husband " y/n said and taehyung felt heat rushing into his face just by hearing y/n call him her husband in a very seductive way. But he tolerated himself because he knew that he had a job to do now and now he had to do it better than ever because y/n was watching him. Taehyung wanted her to see the best of him so he was excited for this shoot now.

" Alright princess. Watch me then" saying that taehyung winked and smiled at his wife and returned to the set. As he went there, the make up artists approached him and started to touch up Taehyung's make up.

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