Chapter 64 - Peiskos ♡

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"Where are you even taking me Choi Soobin?" Y/n asked her best friend in a perplexed expression when soobin made her sit in his car.

"Let me just take you there Kim. Just don't shout at me for not telling you sooner." Soobin said igniting the engine.

"I have to go home!!! It is almost 5 in the evening. Butt... Wait. Did Professor Minhyun asked you to take me to the conference ??" Y/n suddenly asked from soobin out of nowhere but the elder played along with it.

"Oh my god how did you know?? Are you a psychic? How the hell did you read my mind?" He widened his eyes and looked briefly at y/n before focusing back on the road. The elder didn't know what conference y/n was talking about but meh, who cares as long as she believes what he says.

"Choi Soobin, i am going to kill you when i come back to the hospital tomorrow. I swear. Oh god!! Dude i will have to do a speech man and i have no clue about it!! What the hell am i supposed to do!!" The girl was literally whining and she was clearly mad at soobin for not telling her beforehand about "the conference".

Y/n took her phone out and texted taehyung that soobin was literally kidnapping her to a conference that she did not want to attend. Also she texted her husband not to worry and not to wait for her for dinner and asked him to come to pick her up after the conference was done.

After a 20 minute drive, soobin parked the car in front of the Seoul Grand Hotel and y/n looked at Soobin with widened eyes because she remembered that professor Minhyun told her that the conference was in a different hotel.

"Wait, the conference is supposed to be in a different hotel?" The younger asked and soobin smiled and looked at her. "Nope. The venue has changed and my dear beat friend, you should get dressed now because you have to give a guest speech" he said playfully opening the passenger door and helping the younger to get down.

"What the... dude!! I feel helpless right now binnie!! A guest speech? Dress up? I have nothing with me, and i am not ready for a speech" y/n said and soobin knew that she has definitely started to panic.

"No no Kim. They will be providing you with the dress and they will write the speech for you as well. All you have to it go and present it beautifully. And i will be there in a the audience with the professor so you won't feel lonely up there" Soobin said while escorting the girl into the hotel.

Once they came into the beautiful lobby of the hotel, soobin went to the reception and told something to the receptionist. She smiled and walked towards y/n with soobin and greeted her warmly.

"Good evening ma'am. Please follow me and Mr. Choi, you can come with us and wait in the waiting room until Mrs. Kim gets dressed." The receptionist said and escorted the two beat friends to an upper floor where their special VIP dressing rooms were located at.

Y/n followed the receptionist, oblivious of what was happening around her. Her only relief was that Soobin was by her side so she knew that she was safe.

Finally the girl was taken into the dressing room where there was a beautiful Hollywood mirror and a beautiful wardrobe.

"Hello ma'am. Please take this dress and call me when you get dressed please. The heels are in that box on the dressing table " a lady came to y/n and handed her a dress for the girl to change into and seeing that made y/n s eyes widen in shock because, damn the dress looked so expensive and it was super beautiful.

"I honestly need answers. What the hell is happening right now?" She texted Soobin and sighed very audibly and changed into the dress that was given to her and god, she did look beautiful in that white dress!

 What the hell is happening right now?" She texted Soobin and sighed very audibly and changed into the dress that was given to her and god, she did look beautiful in that white dress!

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