Chapter 21 - Lucent♡

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Taehyung walked out of the bathroom after having a refreshing bath and changed into a pair of shorts and a cotton t-shirt. He pushed his wet hair back with his fingers after drying it with the towel and walked downstairs after putting on his flip flops.

Y/n was already downstairs in the kitchen after getting changed and she smiled at taehyung after she saw him walking down the stairs.

"Please give me 5 more minutes Mr. Kim. Then you can eat " y/n said and taehyung nodded at her in response.

Y/n made dak kalguksu (chicken noodle soup ) for dinner and she reheated the dumplings she brought from her mother's. Once they were ready to be eaten,the younger neatly arranged them in plates to take them on the dining table.

(^Dak Kalguksu)

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(^Dak Kalguksu)

(^Dak Kalguksu)

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"Give me the plates and the chopsticks" y/n was startled to hear Taehyung's voice suddenly and she turned around to see him standing infront of her.

"Give me the plates and the cutleries y/n-ssi. I will arrange the table until you bring the dishes to the table" taehyung said with a smile and y/n s heart warmed hearing this. Because she never expected taehyung to help her at all.

" Thank you Mr. Kim. But it's fine. I can do it " y/n said but Taehyung raised a brow. " I insist " he said and y/n chuckled softly.

"Okay. Thank you so much Mr. Kim" saying that y/n gave him two plates and two pairs of chopsticks and taehyung took them to the dining table and placed them on the table neatly.
Y/n followed him with the Dak kalguksu bowl and went back to the kitchen to bring the dumplings after she kept the bowl of chicken noodle soup on the table.

Once the table was ready, both of them sat down to get their dinner. "Did you make dumplings?" Taehyung asked from y/n seeing the plate of dumplings on the table.

"Oh no no. It wasn't me Mr. Kim. Eomma made dumplings for me when I went home. I remembered you and brought some for you as well. I heated them up. You can try some" y/n said with a smile.
Hearing what she said, taehyung felt a wave of happiness wash over him. He felt so happy to hear that y/n thought of him and brought these dumplings for him even when he didn't request her to do so.

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