Chapter 59 - Zingy ♡

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Y/n walked back to the staff room to drink some water before going to the ward with nurse lim to check on her patients. As soon as she took a sip of water Y/n received a call from professor Minhyun and she was wondering what made the professor call her early in the morning like this.

"Good morning professor" Y/n greeted her supervisor as soon as she answered the call.

"You are assigned to the emergency ward today. Young will be on leave so cover up for her." The professor said and disconnected the call before y/n say anything to him in response.

Y/n looked at nurse lim with a sigh while putting her phone back into her pocket.

"Extra shifts?" Ms. Lim asked from y/n who nodded at her with a smile in response.

"Well good luck with that Mrs.Kim. Dr. Soobin is also working in the emergency ward today. You won't be alone" The nurse added before walking away to carry out her duties.

Y/n was honestly happy to hear that Soobin was also working in the ETU today because that meant that she had enough time to talk with him about life. Thinking that, Y/n walked to the ETU wearing her medical coat and carrying the stethescope in one hand.

"Oh chinguya. Here you are!!" Soobin came running to Y/n and hugged her as soon as he saw her. "Saw you just yesterday but i missed you already" the male said smiling from ear to ear and seeing him made y/n smile widely as well.

"same here best friend. Let's finish off the ward rounds and then talk about everything alright? or else i will be murdered by the professor. " Y/n said giggling softly.

"Alrightyy! Oh by the way new update, a car has crashed with a truck and right now, the man who drove the car is being transferred here. We should be ready to treat him." Soobin said and y/n nodded at him in response. "What about the driver of the truck?" The girl asked but soobin shrugged his shoulders indicating that he doesnt know anything about the truck driver.

They did not get any time to talk after that because they heard the sirens of the ambulance reaching the hospital and both the doctors ran out to receive the patient as soon as possible.

The ambulance parked infront of the ETU entrance and the emergency health workers/ paramedics got down from the vehicle and got the trolley out of the ambulance and seeing who there was unconcious on the trolley made a scream escape from y/n s mouth because it was non other than Kim Taehyung, her own husband.


Y/n rushed to Taehyung's side trembling as she reached out to touch his face. Tears stream down her eyes as she takes in the extent of his injuries.As she stood amidst the controlled frenzy, y/n s professional demeanor momentarily crumbles when she saw Taehyung being unconcious and bloodied from the car crash. She was perplexed and heartbroken as ever seeing the love of her life unconcious on a stretcher but being a responsible and a talented doctor, she decided to hold herself without breaking down when Taehyung needs her the most, which is right now.

Soobin who was equally as shocked as y/n moved forward quickly noticing all the expressions on the girl's face and talked to the paramedics before taking Taehyung inside.

"What happened, give me the stats" he said examining the pupil reactions of Taehyung and looking at the paramedics.

"Male, Kim Taehyung. He was in a car accident. Multiple fractures, head trauma..We did everything we can before bringing him to the hospital." the head of paramedics said and Soobin nodded his head in response.

"Thank you, we will take him from here. " saying that Soobin looked at Y/n and mouth a dont worry at her before pushing the trolley into the ETU with the help of the nurses.

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