Chapter 36 - Paracosm♡

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It's been two months since Taehyung asked y/n officially to be his girlfriend and it's been 6 months since their marriage. They were so happy together and had so much fun whenever they were free. They slept together in the room which used to be Taehyung's but now it belonged to both of them. Well, even though they were that close they still didn't have any sexually intimate moments. They kissed a lot of course, but never went beyond that.

Even though taehyung wanted to make love to his girl, to make her all his, he didn't want to rush anything. He waited patiently until he felt like y/n was ready for that. Taehyung knew for a fact that y/n had never done anything sexual before, so he was extra careful with everything.

But even if it was like that, they had an amazing relationship which is full of love and affection.


" You will have to fly abroad for this photoshoot Mr. Kim " the vogue magazine director Mr. Choi told to taehyung wanting to know what the model's response will be.

"Duration?" Taehyung replied with another question and Mr. Choi checked the photoshoot plan before answering the model.

" For a week or 8 days "

"Absolutely not" taehyung interjected before the director finish what he was saying.

Hearing Taehyung's response, Mr. Choi looked perplexed because he was certain that taehyung agreed to travel overseas for shoots when they met 6 months back.

Namjoon was shocked more than the director because he didn't expect taehyung to refuse the offer. So he decided to speak with the model before giving an answer to Mr. Choi.

"Can I please speak in private with Mr. Kim for a moment Mr. Choi?" Namjoon asked politely and with a nod in response, the director left the conference room giving the model and his manager the requested space.

"No hyung. Don't even talk about it. I really don't want to go abroad for a month"Taehyung said as soon as Mr. Choi left.

"But can I at least know why? You never refused going abroad for work before. You will obviously have to fly overseas often Kim Taehyung-ssi since all your photo shoots for magazines are coming up. This is just one, then what what about the Elle magazine photoshoot? GQ magazine photoshoot? They will obviously and definitely be shot in USA. Are you going to refuse all of them too? " Namjoon asked from the younger in a kinda stern voice. Because obviously he was in charge of Taehyung's schedules and more than that, he cared about the younger's success.

" No but hyung,.." taehyung started to speak but then namjoon cut him off suddenly.

"Wait is this because Mrs. Kim? Are you being hesitant because you can't leave her alone ? " The elder asked from Taehyung and the model looked away without saying anything. But that was enough for namjoon to understand what the younger meant.

"Dude ! it's just for a week taehyungie. Mrs. Kim will be alright here Tae. She can stay with her parents if she can't stay at your place alone right " Namjoon said trying to console taehyung.

"I know hyung. She will be alright of course. But my heart says something else. I don't feel like leaving her here." He said looking at namjoon with sad big eyes.

"Well, then. You can take her with you. I don't think there will be any issue regarding that" the elder said finally after thinking for sometime and Taehyung's eyes brightened up as soon as he heard what Namjoon said.

"Really? I can do that? " Taehyung asked with so much hope in his voice and namjoon nodded at him in response with a smile on his face.

"Yes absolutely you can. You are already married to her so there is no way that you would get caught up in some kind of a love scandal for being with her. So yeah, there is no barrier for you to take her with you. " The elder said and taehyung smiled so brightly at namjoon because he was so happy to hear that he could take his wife with him.

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