Chapter 18 - Fika♡

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Time Skip - 4 Days

After being hospitalized for four days, y/n was finally discharged and she was advised to rest without tiring herself.

" Dr. Y/n, make sure not to lift heavy weights for now. Don't tire yourself for sometime " Dr. Song said before y/n was discharged and the younger nodded to her senior in response.

Taehyung stayed with y/n all the 4 days that she was hospitalized and currently he was driving y/n home.

"Do you need anything to eat y/n-ssi? " Taehyung asked from the girl but y/n refused it politely.

" No thank you Mr. Kim. There are enough food and groceries at home. I will make something when we go home " she said and taehyung humed at her answer.

Once they reached their house, Taehyung parked the car and both of them got down. Y/n opened the back door of the car to get her bags but Taehyung quickly offered to carry them for her.

" I ll take them y/n-ssi. You go inside" saying that taehyung took the bags into his hands and y/n just took the flower bouquet that Seokjin brought her on the first day he came to visit her. The girl walked to the front door and opened it after typing the passcode.

She kept the door open for taehyung and once he walked into the house, y/n closed and locked the door. Taehyung and y/n walked upstairs to their rooms but the male first followed y/n to her room and placed her bags on her bed and turned to leave.

" Mr. Kim " y/n called Taehyung and he turned around to look at the girl. Y/n didn't let taehyung say anything but she went to him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him gently.

Taehyung was shocked from this unexpected action of the girl because he didn't expect this at all from her. Taehyung didn't like skinship at all but he felt comfortable when y/n hugged her. Taehyung felt a wave of emotions wash over him but he was too shocked to be specific to hug her back.

" Thank you Mr. Kim for everything " y/n said pulling away from the hug. "I really didn't expect you to stay with me. But you did and I am so grateful for that. And also for asking your team to get down all the articles about me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. " Y/n said sincerely while looking at Taehyung's eyes.

"Oh it~it's nothing. You don't have to thank me " he said and mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

Y/n noticed now taehyung was shocked from the unexpected hug and she chuckled lightly looking at him. "And I am sorry for hugging you without your consent " the girl said and Taehyung's mouth curled into a slight, very small smile. " It's fine. I shall go then. Rest well " saying that he left y/n s room and went to his own room.

Y/n laughed and closed the door once taehyung was gone. She wanted to have a bath first but the girl was feeling too tired and sleepy. So y/n jumped to her bed and settled under the comforter and as soon as she closed her eyes she fell into a deep, dreamless slumber.


Taehyung was standing under the shower feeling warm water fall on his body. He remembered how y/n sincerely thanked him a little while ago by hugging him with no prior notice. Taehyung brushed his wet hair back with his fingers and smiled remembering that he didn't feel any discomfort during the stay with the girl. " Maybe at least we can try to be friends" taehyung thought and switched off the shower, reaching for his body lotion.

Once he was done with the shower taehyung came back to his room and changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. He blow dried his hair and got on to the bed and dialled Namjoon's number on his phone.

"Namjoon hyung. How's everything going? " Taehyung asked as soon as namjoon picked up the call.

"Good evening to you too" the elder said with a chuckle. " I was about to call you taehyungie. We found out how Mrs. Kim's photos were released to the media. " Namjoon added and kept on explaining.

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