Chapter 41 - Brumous♡

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(A/n // TW - This chapter contains 18+ mature contents. Read at your own risk. If you feel uncomfortable please feel free to skip this chapter. It won't harm the story line at all. I promise.)

"You are back sooner than expected taehyungie." Namjoon said as soon as he saw the younger male walking into the hotel with his wife.

"Yes hyung. We have something to talk about. Please don't call me or disturb us. It's something really serious"Taehyung said looking dead serious and walked away towards their room leaving a perplexed namjoon in the lobby.

Y/n was breathing quickly and her heart was pounding ever since she decided to take another step in her marriage life with Taehyung. She was excited and A LOT nervous. Because this is gonna be her first time having sexual intercourse.

As soon as both of them arrived near Taehyung's suite, he opened the door with the key card and pulled y/n inside gently and locked the door and pinned her to the wall .

"Look at me my baby" taehyung said so softly making y/n s heart melt in pure happiness and love for the male.

"Do you really want this my love? If you are not sure about this, please tell me now because I don't think that I will be able to stop myself if I take any step further" taehyung said with a soft voice while caressing y/n s hair lovingly.

Hearing what taehyung said , y/n looked into his eyes and smiled warmly at him. "I am sure about this Taehyungie. I am so very sure about this. Don't worry. " She said and pecked his lips gently.

"I love you princess " taehyung said while staring into y/n s eyes and took her hand swiftly.

"Come" saying that, he said and walked to the bed with the girl and looked at her once they reached the bed.

"Lie down for me baby."

Taehyung said with a seductive voice and it made the younger literally melt down her legs. Y/n nodded at her man with a shy smile and did as he asked her to do.

She laid on the bed.

"How do you want me to make love to you my love? Do you want to do just it or..?"

"No. Show me what you can do to me Tae. Let me experience what love making really is. Make me feel what only you can do to me" y/n said shamelessly and it made taehyung smirk at the girl and smile again.

"Your word is my command princess. By the way I should say that I am shocked to see how bold my baby has become. Asking for more huh?" The male said , bent down and kissed y/n on her forehead.

"Anything for you babygirl" he said and got on to the bed after throwing his shoes off his feet making the girl chuckle lightly.

Once Taehyung got on to the bed , he gently pulled y/n s arms above her head and tied them to the headboard with the silk handkerchief which was inside his pocket. The silk was cool against her wrists and seeing the look of concentration on Taehyung's face, y/n became really nervous for what's to come next.

Taehyung looked at the girl who was laying under him and smiled ever so lovingly and tucked y/ns hair behind her ear. Then taehyung slowly bent down to press his lips on the girl's soft pillowy lips. He cupped her face as his tongue ran around her lips tracing them like a piece of art. He took his time, kissing and devouring y/n s lips and mouth making the girl shudder due to the sensation she felt.

Y/n wanted to run her fingers through taehyung s hair, wanted to touch his face, wrap her arms around him so bad, but since her arms were tied to the headboard, the girl was just able to let out small moans.

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