Chapter 26 - Ughten♡

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Taehyung parked the car in the parking lot and looked at the passenger seat. Y/n was fast asleep looking absolutely adorable with a pout on her face and the male smiled softly watching her sleep. He didn't want to disturb her peaceful slumber so taehyung got down from the car and went to the passenger side. He opened the door of the passenger seat and gently took y/n into his arms in bridal style and kicked the car door closed.

He walked towards the front door of their house with y/n in his arms. Y/ns chief personal bodyguard Mr. Wang followed them and taehyung gestured him to open the door for him. Jackson knew the password so he opened the door and kept the door open until taehyung went inside. Once the model was in with y/n, Wang closed the door after greeting taehyung good night.

Along with y/n, the model proceeded to her bedroom after ascending the stairs. He yearned to snuggle with her all night long while she slept next to him, but he needed y/ns consent before doing something like that.
So, after taking her heels and jewellery off, he placed her on her own bed. Taehyung covered his girl with the comforter as he watched her peacefully dozing off, unconcerned by the world around her. He smiled softly as he bent down and kissed her forehead. Y/n squirmed in her sleep when taehyung pulled away from the kiss and it made him chuckle lightly at her adorableness.
He couldn't help but watch her for a few more minutes before switching off the lights and walking back to his own bedroom.

Taehyung removed his outfit and went into the bathroom with a towel. He brushed his teeth and took a fresh bath and walked out of the bathroom after some time. He got into his pajamas and jumped to the bed and settled under his comforter. He took his phone and went through his SNS and he remembered the photo that he took with y/n at the party earlier today. A smile appeared on his face just with the thought of it and he clicked his phone gallery and opened the photo.

He loved the way y/n stunned in her outfit and Taehyung was smiling widely while staring at the photo. In that, he was wrapping his arm around her waist and the girl was leaning her head on his shoulder while wrapping one of her own arms around Taehyung's waist. Both of their faces were lit up with beautiful smiles and their eyes were literally sparkling in the photo. Since Taehyung was head over heels for it, he set it as his phone wallpaper and kept his phone on the nightstand and closed his eyes to sleep.

But his mind was full of the incidents that happened during the party and he was a blushing mess. Taehyung remembered how he felt when he kissed her and how y/n looked at him when he confessed to her at that dimly lit corridor. The model loved the way that the girl kissed him without any hesitation after the confession and his heart was racing out of excitement and happiness.

"Are we dating now?" Taehyung thought for himself. "Yes of course we are right" then he thought again and chuckled at himself.

"You are such an idiot Kim Taehyung. I should have asked y/n to be my girlfriend first. But wait, she is already married to me." The said thought popped into his head but he had other plans. He wished everything would go well and eventually his eyes closed shut making him fall into a deep slumber.


Y/n was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for taehyung and herself.

She woke up a while ago and groaned after she found herself still in her party outfit. The girl remembered falling asleep in the car and a smile appeared on her lips as the thought of taehyung carrying her into the room popped into her head. She was smiling alone on the bed thinking about it for some time and got down and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. Y/n removed her outfit carefully and had a bath after brushing her teeth. She changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt to go downstairs to prepare breakfast. Before she left to the kitchen, y/n chose the dress that she was going to wear to the hospital and kept them on her bed and walked downstairs.

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