Chapter 30 - Demiurgic♡

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Taehyung looked at y/n after she settled on his lap comfortably.
"Are you comfortable baby?" He asked y/n and she nodded at him with a smile on her face.

"I am quite not sure whether you will be interested in listening to my past stories. So tell me if you get bored okay?" Taehyung said cupping y/n s cheeks.

" I can listen to whatever you say Tae. Please feel free to tell me anything. I will ALWAYS listen" y/n said leaning on to the male's touch.

Taehyung pecked her lips lovingly and started to speak.

"I was not the favorite child of my parents since the day I was born baby. Well, they treated me well and had maids to look after me. They gave me everything that any parent could give their child but I never liked any of those. Because that was not what I needed from them. All I wanted was their love and their attention but my parents never gave me that."
Taehyung felt his eyes tearing up but he kept on telling his story to y/n.

"Seokjin hyung was always their favorite child. Hyung, though, was always on my side. When I was a young child, he always adored me and took care of me. In my eyes, he was the parent figure who was always there for me no matter what. I didn't feel lonely even though I didn't receive my parent's love. I was always content since Hyung was there to support me and look after me."

"Never was I a child who enjoyed learning baby. I did study for the examinations, but not quite as much as Hyung did. Hyung was a top student who consistently achieved rankings of one or two. He was thus my parents' pride and joy. They used to beat me up in the beginning when I didn't get all A's on my tests, but I was always the rebellious kid who wasn't ready to listen to them or follow their orders just because I was being punished.
I would have listened to them and worked harder and better if they had given me advice in a considerate and friendly manner. They made the incorrect decision, and it was clear to me that they were beating me in an effort to persuade me to achieve good grades simply to save their reputation. So that they may boast that both of their children excel academically. It was never done for my benefit, but rather for their own.. "

When that last word left Taehyung's mouth, the tears that he tried to avoid started rolling down Taehyung's eyes and it made y/n s heart break into a million pieces seeing her Taehyung tearing up like this.

"Everything is okay Tae. If it hurts you so much, you really don't have to tell me anymore alright?" Y/n cupped Taehyung's cheek wiping his tears off his flawless face and said trying to assure the male. But Taehyung tried to smile and shook his head.

"No no baby. I am fine. I wanted to tell you everything to you anyways and I think this is the right time for that" he said and y/n nodded at him making sure that he is alright. Taehyung smiled at the girl who was watching him with genuinely caring eyes and started to speak again.

"There were countless days that I felt like running away from home to find peace and freedom that needed baby. But I knew that whatever I tried to do was going to fail since I was underage and because my parents had the power to find me in the blink of an eye wherever I may have gone. So I always waited for the right time to accomplish what I was longing for"

"I didn't enjoy studying too much baby, but I enjoyed acting in school plays. I was once selected to play the role of a prince in the school theater competition when I was in high school. Finally, I won the competition's top acting prize for playing the main role. That day after it, Mr. Choi, a well-known film director, called my father and requested permission for me to pursue a career as an actor. He has informed my father that after seeing me perform in the competition, he is eager to give me the opportunity to appear in one of his upcoming plays. My father strongly opposed it, stating that he wanted me to study business management without making foolish decisions such as becoming an actor."

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