Chapter 51 - Drizzlosis ♡

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" Hyung is everything alright?" It was jungkook who watched taehyung drink non-stop without even sparing even a minute to talk.

"Mm hmm" the model hummed and gulped down the highly concentrated glass of whiskey which was in front of him without even flinching a bit.
Taehyung looked at the almost empty whiskey bottle which was on the table and let out very dramatic sigh as he took the bottle into his hands. " 'tis over " he whispered to himself as he chugged the rest of the bottle in one go.

"Bring me a bottle of vodka please" taehyung shouted in a slurry voice and it was Jimin who grabbed the drunk male by his jaw and turned his face towards him.

" What the actual fuck is wrong with you Kim Taehyung? You are drunk like shit and you are out of all your fucking senses? What's the meaning of this?" Jimin literally screamed at taehyung because he couldn't watch taehyung getting boozed as it was the last day of him on earth.

" I am sad jimin-ssi. I am hurt" taehyung blurted out and his hand went over his heart. "Here. Here it hurts" he said and leaned on the couch that he was sitting on.

"Hyungie. What happened? What made you hurt like this? Can we do anything to help you?" Jungkook asked from taehyung in a soothing voice but the model just shook his head and murmured something inaudible to the other two males.

"Jungkookah, We should take him home. It's no use keeping him here like this " Jimin said looking at his heavily drunk Friend and let out a deep sigh. "I wonder what happened to him. He was never like this before " he added again and Jungkook spoke up.

" Hyung, then let's pay the bill and take Taehyungie hyung home. We can talk to him about this tomorrow. Also we can't let anyone see Tae hyung like this. They will drag him and try to ruin him by saying many different shit " the youngest said and Jimin nodded at him in agreement.

So Jimin and Jungkook did put on a hoodie and a mask on Taehyung and covered their faces with a mask as well. And then after paying the bill, they quietly exited the club and drove taehyung home.


it was 5 30 in the evening and Y/n came home thinking about a way to inform taehyung about her pregnancy. She thought her husband must be home already but seeing the empty house surprised the girl because usually taehyung comes home before she does. Y/n kept her hand bag on the coffee table and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water but then she spotted a sticky note with Taehyung's hand writing saying " going out with friends. will be late when coming home". Y/n was quite surprised to see such a note from taehyung because that two sentences sounded very plain, very emotionless.

"May be he was in a hurry. But why didn't he give me a call?" Y/n thought as she climbed up the stairs to go get changed.

The girl removed her cloths and wrapped a towel around her as she walked into the bathroom. she stood under the hot water shower letting the hot water hit her in a very soothing way. Y/n knew that she was absolutely pregnant because even her beta HCG blood report also came positive. Her hand went over her belly and her fingertips rubbed over it gently with so much love for the little baby growing inside her.

"Appa has gone to meet his friends baby and you know what, eomma don't know how to tell about you to him? He will be happy to hear about you rightt? Give me strength to tell him about you hmm?" Y/n was talking to the baby in her belly while she was bathing even though the foetus is just around a month old and after realizing what she was doing, a smile appeared on her face and she chuckled lightly wiping the water off her face.

After having a bath, she changed into an oversized tee shirt and a pair of shorts and walked back to the kitchen to prepare dinner for taehyung and herself. She decided to cook makguksu because she was craving it. So she cooked two servings of makguksu and waited for Taehyung to come home so that they could eat together.

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