Chapter 10 - Selcouth♡

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" She is your wife "

Hearing what his brother said, taehyung looked at Seokjin with an amused face. And then he burst into laughter making Seokjin widen his eyes in amazement since Taehyung has never laughed out loud like that before.

" Oh my god Seokjin hyung. What made you joke in a moment like this? I literally woke up after 3 years and it's hard for me to laugh. Stop joking Seokjin-ssi and you know what? at least try to make them sound even a tiny bit believable " taehyung said after laughing for a good 5 minutes.

" I am serious Kim Taehyung. She is your wife! "

Seokjin said in a more serious tone and then only taehyung looked at his brother's face in a what the fuck are you even talking about expression.

" Yes taehyungie she is married to you" Seokjin said once again and eyed Taehyung's ring finger in which his wedding ring was on.

Taehyung looked at his hand and noticing the ring, his eyes widened in utter shock.

" What the actual fuck hyung? I was out for 3 years and how the fuck am I supposed to be married ? " Taehyung asked in a fierce voice glaring at seokjin.

Seokjin was staring at the floor and taehyung quickly understood what he was trying to say.

"Appa? He is behind all these isn't he ?" Taehyung asked and Seokjin nodded in response.

" Hyung please explain every single fucking detail " taehyung said and Seokjin looked at his brother with a stern look.

" Mind your language Kim Taehyung." He said and taehyung looked away rolling his eyes.

" Hyung ! I wake up after 3 years and now you say I am married. How the hell can I mind my language! I am just more than furious right now " taehyung said and tried to get down from the bed.

" Okay okay listen I will explain everything that happened. So please be patient and wait here " Seokjin said and started to explain everything to taehyung without leaving a single detail behind.

" Hyung how can my parents do something like this to me?" Taehyung asked Seokjin once he listened to everything his elder brother said.

" As I said this is a contract that will last one year taehyungah. So please try to be civil with y/n. She had nothing else to do other than listening to her parents. " Seokjin said but Taehyung had other plans in his mind but he nodded at his hyung.

" It's already past midnight Taehyungie so sleep now. Talk with y/n in the morning and figure everything out okay? I have work tomorrow so I will leave now. I will visit you tomorrow as well " Seokjin said getting up from where he was sitting.

" Hyung. Do me a favor. Don't tell eomma and appa about this. I will tell them in my own way " taehyung said and Seokjin nodded with a smile and hugged his little brother.

" Thank you for waking up taehyungie. Hyung missed you . Sleep well and good night " Seokjin said pulling away from the hug .

"Night hyung. I will see you soon " taehyung said and watched Seokjin leave his room after switching off the lights closing the door behind him.

Taehyung leaned on the bed and closed his eyes. His mind was a mess as he stared at his ring finger which he felt heavy with the ring on it. Taehyung was enraged with his parents and he was so mad at his new wife for not refusing this so called marriage that he will never accept. Taehyung never wanted to get married because he needed freedom and of course he was more than contented with the life he had. But when he realize that his parents hooked him up with a stranger just for the benefit of their company, taehyung felt like burning the entire company down to ashes. But he was too late that he was bound to a marriage legally so all he wanted was to get the divorce as soon as he can. Taehyung added a mental note to talk to his wife about this tomorrow and felt his eyelids getting heavy as he eventually fell asleep.

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