Chapter 53 - Cozen ♡

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"Ah?" Taehyung said absentmindedly because he didn't hear what y/n said. He heard it to some extent but he really couldn't believe that he was hearing the right thing.

"Ah what?" The girl asked from the male with a light giggle while trying to hide her nervousness.

"What did you just say baby?" Taehyung asked again staring into y/n s eyes and she could see how eagerly the elder was waiting to hear what she said.

" I don't know whether you will like what you are about to hear Tae" y/n started to say in a shaky voice and Taehyung was listening to everything that she was saying with so much concentration.

" Wait let me show it to you myself" saying that y/n stood up wanting to go upstairs to grab something from their bedroom.

"Babyyy? Where are you going?" Taehyung asked with a voice laced with immense curiosity. " Can't you just tell me whatever you were about to say and then leave?" He added with a pout making y/n laugh.

" Come with me then " saying that the girl offered her hand to the seated male who took it very gladly and followed her to their bedroom wanting to know what y/n was about to say.

"Sit" y/n made Taehyung sit on the bed as soon as they entered their bedroom and she went to their drawer and opened the top most locker and took something out and it was nothing but the pregnancy detector which was used by y/n yesterday to get herself checked. She walked to taehyung with it and handed it to him with a nervous face.

Taehyung took it to his hand and within seconds his eyes widened to the size of saucers and he looked at her with a horrified face and that look scared the shit outta y/n because she assumed what Taehyung's reply to it gonna be.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD BABY? WHY DID YOU COME HOME IF YOU ARE..THIS??" Taehyung asked his wife showing the pregnancy detector in his hand. Hearing what taehyung said, Y/n looked at him with a perplexed face because she honestly couldn't understand what he meant by that.

"I meant what I said princess? Wait it's contagious isn't it?" Taehyung asked standing up from where he was sitting.

"What are you talking about taehyungie?" Y/n asked with a chuckle because she started to understand what taehyung meant by all these.

"It's nothing to laugh Kim y/n. You should get treated and it's not right that you came home. What will happen if this gets severe and incurable?? " Taehyung asked with a very serious voice and y/n looked at him with a pout trying to suppress her laughter.

"Aren't you happy ba.." She wasn't able to finish the sentence because taehyung cut her off with a stern and a worries voice.

"How the fuck am I supposed to be happy when you are fucking infected with covid?? You shouldn't have showed me the test results but you should have started to get treatments as soon as you saw this yourself " taehyung said and grabbed y/n s hand without letting her say anything else.

"We are going to the hospital. RIGHT NOW" he added but turned around and looked at y/n since she pulled her hand gently away from him.

" I am not infected with covid Tae " she said with a soft voice internally enjoying how taehyung cares about her.

" Then what is this baby? Isn't this a covid test kit?" The male asked looking at the two red lines in the pregnancy test kit, and he still didn't have any idea about what it was.

" It says that I am pregnant taehyungie " without taking any more time, y/n said in a small voice looking at the young model and as soon as he heard what y/n said he looked at her with very much widened eyes and kept on staring at her for a few seconds. Then again taehyung looked at the pregnancy detector and looked at y/n who was expecting to hear something from the male.

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