Chapter 16 - Fernweh♡

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Y/n looked at the door as Dr. Song and two other nurses walked in and greeted Taehyung who was standing next to her bed. Then Dr. Song looked at the girl and smiled warmly at her.

"Dr. Y/n. How do you feel now ? " He asked and Y/n tried to smile at her doctor.

" I am feeling much better now sir. But my body hurts a lot " she said and Dr. Song nodded observing y/n s arms which had bruises that were turning into purple.

" Yeah it's obvious. You were kicked pretty hard " the doctor said and taehyung felt rage filling his mind seeing the bruises on y/n s arms.

" Also Dr. Y/n, the nurse who changed your clothing told me that there were bruises on your tummy, please let me check them " once y/n nodded in agreement, Dr. Song slowly pushed y/n s top up revealing her tummy which was literally purple covered with bruises. Seeing that Dr. Song's eyes widened and a gasp escaped Taehyung's mouth.

"Ouch" y/n cried in pain when Dr. Song gently touched the bruises with his fingers to check. " It hurts a lot doctor " y/n said and tears were streaming down her cheeks due to the pain.

" I will prescribe pain killers and some other meds for you. Don't worry you will get well in no time " the doctor said assuring the younger and turned to face taehyung.

" Mr. Kim we have to take your wife for some other tests. We need to perform a Ultrasound scan and some other tests to check whether her internal organs are damaged. She has been kicked so hard " he said and taehyung nodded in response.

" Yes please doctor. Do anything and make my wife feel better. " Taehyung said and the doctor nodded with a smile.

" I will leave now. The nurses will bring her the medicine. I will be back when she is taken for the tests " Dr. Song told to taehyung and turned to look at y/n.

" Dr. Y/n I will check you soon. Take the medicine and rest well " the doctor said before leaving the room with the nurses.

"Mr. Kim?" Y/n called Taehyung as soon as the others left . "Can you please get me my phone from the handbag ?" She asked hesitantly but Taehyung nodded and went to the couch where Y/n s handbag was. He took the phone and brought it to the girl and gave it to her.

"Thank you Mr.Kim" Y/n said treating Taehyung with a sweet smile and dialled Yoongi's number and called him.

"Oppa?" Taehyung wondered to whom Y/n as calling to but he soon found out that it was non other than her brother.

"At what time are you coming here bub? Everyone is waiting for you" Yoongi said and Y/n heart broke hearing that.

"I am sorry Yoongs. I won't be able to come today. Something happened and I am in the hospital" Y/n said and Yoongi humed to the phone and the girl knew that her brother was upset.

"You have to work over time is it?" Yoongi asked and Y/n laughed. "No no yoongs. I am the one getting treated in the hospital. " She said and then only Yoongi started to freak out.

"What happened princess? What's wrong? Wait we are coming now" Yoongi started to say and Y/n stopped her brother and spoke.

"I am fine Yoongs. I just fell from the hospital stairs and Mr.Ki- Taehyung-ssi is with me. You don't have to worry " Y/n had to lie because she didn't want to worry her brother and she was trying to assure Yoongi but he was stubborn.

"No no bub. We will come now.We will be there within 30 minutes okay?" Saying that Yoongi disconnected the call without letting Y/n speak anything else.

"Aish my Yoongs" softly saying that Y/n kept the phone next to her pillow and looked at Taehyung who was watching her the entire time. "I am sorry for all the trouble I caused Mr. Kim. Please feel free to go home. I will be alright alone " Y/n said trying to sound fine but whenever she tried to move her hands, she flinched in pain and it didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung who was a very good observer.

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