Chapter 3 - Epiphany♡

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" Such a beautiful day it is " It was Hobii who exclaimed looking out of their kitchen window.

The sky was beautiful and clear with few clouds and the sun light was making dew drops on the grass sparkle like glitter.
And the Min family, except for their father were having breakfast in the kitchen as usual.

" Its a good day to sleep peacefully " yoongi said making others laugh.

" My yoongs loves to sleep don't you my baby? " Mrs. Min said to her elder son while caressing his silky hair.

" I am just so tired after practicing hip-hop last night eomma. It's so tiring but I like it. And also please, I am no baby " yoongi said looking at his mother and he himself chuckled seeing his mother's facial expression.

" It's surprising to see you practicing hip-hop hyung " Hobi said and laughed. "Princess, Shall we also go and take hip hop lessons with yoongi hyung ? " Hobi asked from his sister who was eating fruits without giving any attention to the others but as Hobi talked to her, y/n immediately looked at her brother giving him all the attention.

" Stop it Hobi!! You are such a talented one in dancing. You are literally the best dancer I have ever seen. Why do you even have to take hip hop lessons? Just watch a video on YouTube and then I am pretty sure you ll dance better than them " y/n said and laughed seeing Hobi blush at her compliment. She really meant those words though.

" LOL! I am pretty sure that I will master hip-hop soon." Yoongi said and laughed. " By the way what are you thinking about little one? You were in your own world since you woke up. Nervous much for today?" He added and y/n nodded slowly.

" I am excited and so nervous at the same time oppa. Like, what if I mess up? " Y/n said and hobi caressed his sister's head.

" You are gonna do great Hun. You are the topping all your grades and you are such a smart kid. So don't ever doubt yourself " Hobi said assuring y/n and the younger nodded with a smile.
Mrs. Min was watching her children with a wide smile on her face and she felt her eyes tearing up in happiness but she quickly blinked away the tears. She was proud of them and she was proud to see how fine they have grown up .

" I ll go get dressed now. I should go to the hospital early today. " Saying so, y/n excused herself and went to her room to get ready after finishing her breakfast.
Yoongi, Hobi and their mother watched y/n walk away and started giggling.

" She is more excited than nervous" yoongi said making other two nod in response with a smile.


"Dr. Song . This is the medical resident Min Y/n. She will be your assistant" Professor Minhyun introduced y/n to the doctor in charge of Taehyung.

" Hello Dr. Song. It's a pleasure to work under your supervision." Y/n said bowing her head in respect.

" Hello Dr. Y/n. I am looking forward to work with you as well " Dr. Song said and shook y/n s hand with a smile.

"Well Dr. Song seems like a nice person " Y/n thought with a sigh.

" She is well known for her grades. I am sure that she will be helpful to you  Dr. Song. " Professor said looking at y/n and the other doctor humed.

" Then Professor, we will get back to work " saying that Dr. Song walked away towards Taehyung's room after greeting professor Minhyun.

" Dr. Y/n. We will go and examine Mr. Kim now. After that I will be handing over his medical files to you and you should go through it thoroughly before tomorrow okay? " Dr. Song said with a stern voice. He was a kind one but was always strict when it comes to his patients.

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