Chapter 34 - Psithurism♡

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"Eommaaa. We are here" y/n called her mother as soon as she stepped into the house. Taehyung was shocked to hear y/n scream her lungs out because it was the first time that he saw someone being this much excited to see their parents.

Soon they heard Mrs. Min, Yoongi, and Hoseok's footsteps approaching them. As soon as Y/n heard footsteps and saw them in front of her, she instantly gave Taehyung the flower bouquet. She ran to her family and gave all three of them a bear hug and held them all together for a bit before pulling away from the hug.

Putting on a huge smile on her face, y/n turned to taehyung and then again looked at her mother and brothers.

"Eomma, yoongs and Hobii, this is Tae, my husband" she said with proud smile on her face. Hearing y/n introduce him to her mother and brothers, taehyung felt so excited and nervous at the same time. But he managed to smile at them warmly and bow in respect.

"Hello eomma and hyungs. It's nice to see you all again " taehyung said and gave the flower bouquet to Mrs. Min who took it into her hands in much happiness.

"Aww thank you so much taehyungie. But you didn't have to bring anything you know? Visiting us is just more than enough" y/n s mother said while smiling at taehyung.

" It's nothing much eomma. Since y/n love flowers I thought you must feel the same about them" the model said smiling shyly at the elder Min.

" Of course. I have been such a fan of flowers since my childhood. That has passed to y/n as well. She is OBSESSED with flowers. I won't be wrong if I say that." Mrs. Min said and smiled softly.

"Uh hmm. I suppose there are something for us in that bag?" It was Yoongi who said so while eyeing the other bag which was in Taehyung's hand.

"Hyung! Stop it. It's THE FAMOUS KIM TAEHYUNG we are talking to. It's an honour that he is paying us a visit with his wife" Hobi told yoongi with a chuckle and Taehyung's cheeks turned red like beet after hearing what Hobi said.

"What? We are human too and we like to get gifts as well" yoongi said with a fake frown and it was then Mrs. Min turned and looked at yoongi and hobi.

"Boys. Behave." Mrs. Min told to yoongi in a stern voice but Taehyung quickly spoke up.

"No no it's fine eomma. I feel so comfortable and homey when you all behave as usual. I really like that and yes, I obviously bought something for hyungs too. I hope you like it yoongi hyung and hobi hyung" saying that taehyung gave the bag into yoongis hand.

Both Hobi and yoongi then peeked into the bag and as soon as they saw what taehyung has brought for them, their eyes lit up. Noticing her brothers' happiness after seeing the two bottles of liquor, y/n chuckled softly and whispered to taehyung..

"I told you right baby? That they are going to love what you bought. Now wait and see their reaction. You will definitely find it hilarious " the girl said and taehyung nodded with a smile at her in response.

It didn't take even a minute, both yoongi and hobi smiled widely at taehyung. Their mouths were literally reaching their ears in happiness.

" Well, we apologize for acting hasty our brother in law. We didn't know that you will know what we like and that you will bring exactly what we want. We can't wait to have fun tonight."yoongi said patting Taehyung's shoulder gently showing his adorable gummy smile.
"And obviously, please do join us Taehyungie. We will be delighted to have a drink with you" hobi added and the model immediately agreed with them because he really wanted to get to know the two elders males more.

"Brilliant. Now let's go have dinner my children" Mrs. Min said in a cheerful voice while placing the flower bouquet carefully on the coffee table.

" Is appa coming home tonight eomma?" Y/n asked her mother because she was wondering where her father is.

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