Chapter 47 - Irenic ♡

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" We should celebrate this baby " Y/n screamed and literally threw herself on taehyung who was at the door waiting for her.

" Celebrate what princess? Oh goshh I missed youuu " saying that the male wrapped his hands around y/n and lifted her up, hugging her tightly.

"I just went for a few hours Tae. And we should celebrate your new ambassadorship!!! And that's for both Celine and Cartier!! Damn husband, I am so proud of you " Y/n said looking at Taehyung's eyes while caressing his face with her hand.

"Aww thank you baby. I didn't think that you will be this excited for it. " Taehyung said chuckling softly and gently placed y/n on the ground and looked at her.

"If you are this excited, we should definitely celebrate. How about a round of shopping and a dinner date ?" The male asked and y/n nodded at him with a smile agreeing with what taehyung said.

"And Oh my god Kim Taehyung-ssi. What made you think that it was okay to give me a hickey in the morning when i was about to go to work? And specifically ON MY NECK! " Y/n told to Taehyung with a frown on her face

"Ooops. Did anyone see it?" The male asked the younger with a fake innocent face. "I didnt think that anyone would see it" he added with a pout.

"Well. I guess the whole damned hospital saw it!" Y/n said rolling her eyes.

"You can't blame me baby!!! I was super horny and you was too! I didnt realize that i bit you until we were done with our thingy" Taehyung said playfully while wiggling his eye brows.

"Oh goodness!! Tae, stop it. After hearing how frank the man was, Y/n said and stared at Taehyung with wide eyes. Taehyung laughed as he observed how Y/n felt agitated after hearing his comments.

"Okay, I'm sorry, baby." The male kissed y/n's forehead affectionately and apologized softly.

"Now, let's go and get ready to go shopping, hmm?" He murmured, tucking the younger's hair behind her ear, "Be my good girl and go get dressed" . Y/n felt as though she was melting down to her knees when she heard Taaehyung refer to her as "his good girl".

She pouted in response and taehyung cooed at her adorableness and smiled softly.

"How about both of us taking a shower together?" He jokingly asked out of the blue making Y/n burst into laughter.

"What? I wasn't talking about a naughty shower. Shower together to save water. I was talking about that. What were you even imagining huh?" Taehyung added with a chuckle and the girl slapped the male's hand gently and spoke.

"Alright alright. I shall go have a wash. See you soon " Y/n quickly walked upstairs with a smile on her face after Taehyung nodded at her in response.


It took only a few minutes since Taehyung started to get dressed, his phone started to ring.

"Yes Namjoonie Hyung" the model spoke as he answered the phone.

"Taehyungie, I want you to get ready and leave within 15 minutes. I am at the company so I won't be able to pick you up but I will send a driver and I will wait for you here. By the way is Mrs. Kim there? If she is there, you can bring her with you as well " namjoon went on saying without a pause and Taehyung was perplexed about what was happening.

"Wohoo hyung. What's all this about? Where do you want me to go ? Can you calm down and explain please" Taehyung asked with a chuckle and waited for the elder to explain about it.

" oh god. I am sorry. I just kept on talking like a maniac didn't I?" Taehyung heard namjoon chuckle from the other end while he said that.

"Well, a Celine event will be held in the evening today. They called us and informed us about it just a little while ago. You are invited for it and they said that they will be announcing you as their brand ambassador at the end of the event. After that, there will be a diner plus an after party. If Mrs. Kim likes the idea, you can escort her to the event as well. Since she is your wife, it will be nice for you to make a public appearance with her and your fans will like it too." Namjoon finished explaining and Taehyung knew that he had to go to this because it was a part of his job.

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