Chapter 43 - Querencia♡

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Taehyung came back to the hotel with y/n as soon as they had lunch from a nearby cafe. Taehyung looked very excited so y/n was wondering what was running in the male's mind but even though she was very curious to know about it, taehyung didn't give her a single hint about the upcoming plan.

"I am really running out of patience now Tae. Please tell me!!!! where are we going? " Y/n asked from Taehyung with her doe eyes full on display.

As always, taehyung lost to her adorable plea so he decided to reveal a part of his plan to the younger.

" You can't use your doe eyes to ask me things princess.." Taehyung said with a fake annoyed face. "You know that I can't resist anymore when you look at me like this" he said and went to his girl and wrapped his hands around her waist staring into her eyes. Following him, Y/n immediately wrapped her arms around Taehyung in response and smiled at him sheepishly.

"What are we gonna do my Tae baby" the younger asked from the elder again and taehyung pecked her forehead and smiled.

" We are going on a trip. For a few days. You can adjust it however you want to baby. So pack up soon. Flight's at 4. 30 p.m. " saying that taehyung winked at the girl and got back to what he was doing.

"Woaaaah. Where are we going Taehyungie?" Y/n asked with a smile but without saying anything, the male looked at her and shushed her with a smirk. "Surprise my love. You will know where we are going when we land" taehyung said and laughed at the fake frown that appeared on the girl's face.

" Once we pack up, let's wash and get dressed. I am so excited for this" hearing what taehyung said, y/n chuckled and started to pack up soon because she was so excited for this as well.


"You should at least take 10 of the guards Mr. Kim Taehyung-ssi" namjoon told taehyung with a serious face when he came to the airport to drop the Kim couple.

Taehyung's airport outfit ^

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Taehyung's airport outfit ^

Taehyung's airport outfit ^

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Y/n s airport outfit ^

"I understand that you are concerned about me hyung. But I don't want to trouble anyone because of me!" Taehyung said trying to find a valid reason to not to take any of the guards with him, but yes, he failed miserably.

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