Chapter 22 - Nubivagant♡

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Y/n was counting time because she was waiting to go back home so that she will be able to go shopping with Taehyung. The girl's excitement didn't go unnoticed by her colleagues and soobin was the first one to ask her about it.

"You seem pretty excited today chinguya. What's the reason?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well I am going shopping today?" Y/n said smiling widely at her best friend.

"So is that it?" Soobin asked raising a brow and y/n shook her head vigorously.

"I am going with Taehyung-ssi" she said with sparkling eyes and soobin laughed seeing her overjoyed face.

"That's great. He is your husband after all. " Soobin said and the girl blushed and her face turned into the color of a ripened tomato.

"I really didn't think that he would ask me to go shopping with him Binnie. I thought he hates me. Mm... Hate is a strong word isn't it?Well I thought he didn't like me" y/n said making a face and soobin flicked her forehead playfully while laughing out loud.

"Ouch. What was that for?" rubbing her forehead, y/n asked soobin with a frown.

" You really are so dumb aren't you? " He said and y/n raised a brow faking an annoyed face.

"On what base are you making such a statement Soobin-ssi?" The girl asked in a serious voice and soobin replied after sitting on a chair.

"I saw how he ran to the hospital when he heard that you were attacked. I saw the emotion that he held on his eyes y/nah. He really cares for you. I don't think that he is good at showing it and expressing himself but during the 4 days that he stayed with you, I saw it really well. Mr. Kim cares for you sincerely and you, are dumb for not seeing it yourself" soobin said with looking directly at y/ns eyes.

"And also Min Y/n, nah, Kim Y/n, look at yourself when you talk about Mr. Kim. You are literally a blushing mess and your cheeks turn red like a ripened tomato. And do you want me to think that you don't care about Mr. Kim. Sorry chinguya. You can't fool me like that" he added with a smirk.

"Who told you that I don't care about taehyung-ssi. I do care about him genuinely " y/n blurted out and then covered her mouth from her hand as soon as she realized what she said.

"You don't have to stop what you are saying you stupid. I know that you are whipped for Mr. Kim " it was soobin and that said sentence made y/n blush harder.

"Okay okay. Enough with it Binnie please" y/n said slapping Soobin's hand gently.

"Finee finee..By the way we should go for ward rounds right? I don't know why Dr. Gue still didn't call us to come " Soobin said changing the topic not wanting to fluster the girl anymore.

"Exactly I thought the same thing. Maybe he forgot?" Y/n said with a smirk.

"In which world a doctor forgets his patients silly? Come let's go and find him. Perhaps he will compliment us for being responsible medical residents " both laughed together as soobin said that and left the staff room with their notebooks and stethoscopes to look for their senior Dr. Gue.


Taehyung was home by 3. 00 in the afternoon because his schedule was done earlier than expected. He had a wash and changed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and decided to watch a movie until Y/n comes home because he had nothing else to do.

Taehyung came downstairs after getting dressed and sat on the couch taking the tv remote into his hand. He put on Netflix and looked for movies to watch and then he found "The midnight runners" in which his favourite senior, Park Seojoon is one of the male leads.

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