Chapter 32 - Vorfreude♡

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Their drive back to Seoul was silent but so comfortable. Y/n was feeling a bit drowsy so she was leaning back on her seat while keeping her eyes shut. One hand of Taehyung was controlling the steering wheel skillfully and the other was resting on the girl's thigh drawing circles on it by his thumb.

Seeing y/n dozing off, taehyung turned on some soft music on the radio making sure not to disturb her peaceful slumber. When he was almost 5 kilometers away from the heart of Seoul, taehyung saw a street food stall and he remembered how he promised y/n that he would buy her corn dogs.

So he pulled off the car on the side of the road and took out his black mask from the cabin. He was a celebrity and couldn't walk out in the streets as he wished because there was literally no one who didn't know him in Korea. So if he steps out without his mask, the people would identify him immediately so taehyung always takes precautions to stay out of trouble.

After Taehyung did put on his mask he looked at himself from the side mirror to make sure that he was unidentifiable. Once he was sure of it, the model took his wallet and opened the door and got down from the car. Taehyung walked towards the food stall and bought two corn dogs and two bunggoppang for himself and his wife.

He knew how much y/n loved to eat cheese so he didn't forget to ask the seller to put extra cheese on both corn dogs. Once taehyung paid for them, he walked back to his car and got in. Taehyung placed the box which contained the food in the back seat safely. He smiled looking at y/n who was still sleeping with no care about what was happening around her. Taehyung removed the long coat that he was wearing and put it on the girl, covering her with it to make sure that she doesn't feel cold.

Then, he ignited the engine back again and started to drive towards Seoul. After driving for sometime, they reached their destination which was the Seoul grand hotel. Taehyung looked at the peacefully snoring y/n and a giggle escaped his mouth and it was clearly unintentional. He gently shook the girl by her shoulder and started to call her softly.

"Baby. We are here princess. Wake up sweetie" Taehyung whispered to the younger and after several seconds she eventually opened her eyes bidding goodbye to her sleep.

"Are we in Seoul already Tae? " Y/n asked Taehyung from her sleepy voice and he nodded at her with a smile.

"Yes baby. We are near the Seoul grand hotel. But before we go inside, do you wanna eat something else?" He asked from y/n who agreed with him immediately. Who can say no to food after all?

Then taehyung reached the back seat and took the box which contained corn dogs and placed it on y/n s lap. She looked at the model with a "what is this Tae?" look and with a chuckle taehyung gestured her to open it. Doing as he signalled y/n opened the box and her doe eyes widened seeing the corn dogs which was placed neatly in the box.

"Aww did you buy these for us Tae?" Y/n squeaked happily and planted a kiss on Taehyung's cheek making him blush. "Thank you so much" saying that she took one corndog and gave it to taehyung while taking the other from her free hand. "Thank you baby" Taehyung said treating y/n with the cutest smile. " By the way i asked the seller to add extra cheese to these. I know how much you love to eat cheese" the model added with a proud smirk.

"Awwww thats so sweet of you baby" Y/n couldn't hide her happy smile and she pecked Taehyung's lips in utmost adoration. Butterflies in Taehyung's tummy started to dance free style due to the girl's sudden act. "Let us consider this to be our appetizer before the main course." Y/n said and the male nodded in agreement.

Within minutes, both of them finished eating the corndog and the bunggopang . "It tasted so good right?" Taehyung said after drinking water from the bottle which was in the cabin of the car.

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