Chapter 49 - Deamflum ♡

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Taehyung called Namjoon after y/n left to work and informed him that he won't be able to come to the meeting today as he has to be somewhere else.
Namjoon wanted to know where the younger is going to go pushing back even his schedules but Taehyung didn't tell about it to anyone else.

The young model had breakfast which was prepared for him by y/n, cleaned the plates and his water glass and walked upstairs to get dressed. He got into a beige knitted shirt and a pair of brown matching pants. His look was so elegant and he looked as handsome as ever.

Taehyung looked at himself from the mirror and rolled his eyes seeing his reflection

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Taehyung looked at himself from the mirror and rolled his eyes seeing his reflection. He intentionally chose a simple shirt and pants because taehyung didn't want to look good, like he dressed up just for this occasion. But when he saw himself through the mirror, the model understood that whatever the outfit he chooses to wear, he is going to look good and attractive even if he didn't want that at all.

Taehyung let out a sigh and walked out of their house and got into a car. Jackson was not there because he has accompanied y/n to work so another guard offered to drive taehyung to anywhere he wanted to go. But the younger refused it with a smile and chose to drive to himself.

After about a 15 minute drive, he was in front of a house and Taehyung handed over the key to the butler who came to park his car. The model looked around feeling anxious not knowing what was going to come next, but gathered his courage and walked inside after the maids opened the door for him.

" Omo!! Look who's here " a cheery voice was heard and it was non other than Mrs. Kim, Taehyung's mother who was walking towards the younger. Taehyung was quick to notice the fake smile which was plastered on her face and he caught how pretentious her cheery voice was earlier. But Taehyung decided to play along so he faked a short smile and started to walk towards the elder as well.

"It's good to see you son. Long time no see? Come , I will take you to the living room " saying that Mrs. Kim walked through a hallway and entered into a huge living room followed by taehyung.

"Honestly I never expected you to come here "

Mr. Kim, Taehyung's father said turning around to look at taehyung and he gestured the younger to take a seat. Taehyung didn't show any expressions from his face but sat on the couch and looked at the elder who was walking towards the couch as well.

Mr and Mrs. Kim sat next to each other facing Taehyung and they were about to start the talk but was interrupted by the younger.

"I don't want to spend all my time here. So whatever you have to say, make it short and sweet" taehyung said ignoring the cold expression on his father's face.

"Okay. Then without beating around the bush, let's get to the serious talk. Taehyung, when will your marriage contract will expire?" Mr. Kim asked in a monotonous voice.

"Next week I guess. I never wanted to check" the young model said and heard his father let out a sigh but was it a sigh of relief?

"That's really good to hear. Let us know when you send that girl away. We found someone else for you and you can marry her and have kids and live happily ever after "

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