Chapter 55 - Kismet ♡

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" All good baby?" Y/n asked taehyung as namjoon left to the company after spending sometime with the younger couple. Y/n could see a troubled look on taehyung's face but she didn't know what caused him to look that way.

"Of course everything is wonderful my love. What made you ask such a question from me?" Taehyung asked trying his very best to act normal and fortunately he was able to hide all his worries and look like nothing is wrong, making y/n relax.

"Hehe just nothing. I was just worried for no reason then" The girl said with a smile and looked at taehyung with an excited face. "I am gonna call eomma now" she said bouncing up and down on the cushion of the couch and her actions made the male chuckle and caress her hair lovingly. "Yes of course do that baby. Inform them about our good news" taehyung said and gave his phone to call y/ns mother since her phone was upstairs in the bedroom. Y/n searched for her mother's number in the contact list and called her putting it on the speaker mode.

"Eommmaaaa!!!!" The younger literally screamed as soon as mrs.min said hello from the other end.

"God!! You startled me y/n. Give eomma a heads up before you scream like that again hm? How are you doing honey? I miss seeing youu"

" sorryyyy for startling youuu eommaa!!! but listen please Eommaaaa..i have something to tell you!!"

Y/n and taehyung heard the elder chuckle from the other end before she started to speak.

"What is it baby? Eomma is all ears my girl?"

"Eomma you and appa are going to be grandparents!!!! You are going to be a halmeoni eommaa" y/n said wishing she could see her mother's facial expressions at that moment.
But to her surprise her mother's end was drop dead silent and just when y/n started to worry whether her mother fainted or something like that, she heard her mother's high pitched scream.

"Hooooobiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Yooongsss!!! Yoongisss apppaaaa!!! Comeeee hereeee loook our y/n is going to be a mother!!! I am going to be a halmeoniiii!!!"

Y/n and Taehyung heard y/ns mother break down into happy sobs as soon as she stopped talking and then all they could hear was gasps and happy screams from her brothers. They were saying stuff and shouting saying "omg i am going be an uncle!!" And it seemed like they took the news a little too well and y/n thought that they were excited than anyone else.

"You have nothing special to do in the evening right princess?" Hobi's voice came through the phone and y/n immediately replied a yes to her brother.

"Then come home in the evening will you? Of course bring Taehyungie with you!! We must celebrate this happy news!!" Mrs.Min asked and the younger looked at Taehyung's face before giving an answer to her mother and the male nodded his head with a smile hearing the invitation from his mother-in-law.

"Oh eomma, can i ask Seokjin oppa and Namjoon oppa to come as well? And oh, Binnie too!!" Y/n asked because she remembered that she still didn't tell Seokjin about him going to be an uncle and she knew for a fact that he was going to be over the moon after hearing the news.

"Of course baby!! Invite them as well. Ask them to come to our place by 4 in the evening alright?" Y/n s mother said and the girl squeaked in excitement.

"Another thing eomma!! can you please make some mandu (korean dumplings) for me?" Y/n asked and she heard her mother laugh through the phone.

"I will make mandu that will be enough for you to eat for a whole week"Mrs. Min said and Y/n thanked her mother and said she will come soon to see her with Taehyung as soon as possible.


As the clock struck 2.30 pm, y/n started to get dressed to go to her parents house. She had a refreshing hot water bath and wore an off white simple dress that made her look so elegant.

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