Chapter 14 - Moonbow♡

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The following day morning Y/n woke up and finished preparing breakfast for both Taehyung and herself. She made porridge for the man and left it on the kitchen island with a note even though she discovered the fruits she had prepared for Taehyung last night was put in the refrigerator.

She quickly got ready to go to the hospital because she and Soobin had to assist Dr.Gue in a surgery today. Once she got ready, Y/n came downstairs and left locking the door behind her because Taehyung was still not awake.

Within 15 minutes, the girl had driven to the hospital and went to the staff room to prepare for the operation.

"You are scrubbing in for the surgery right?" Soobin asked Y/n who nodded at him.

"It will take a while, y/n. I overheard Dr. Gue and Dr. Song discussing this procedure. It will be a colectomy because the patient has colon cancer," Soobin said.

"Binnie, Did you study the procedure of the surgery by the way? Professors might ask questions from us." Y/n asked from Soobin once she was done changing into the scrubs.

"Yes i did go through it. Did you ?" Soobin asked and Y/n sighed shaking her head.

"Don't worry y/nah. You always get good grades so you will be able to answer their questions."Soobin said assuaring the younger who was undoubtedly worried. "Thank you Binnie"Y/n thanked her best friend and both of them started to walk towards the operation unit to meet their professor.


Taehyung woke up hearing his phone ring next to his ear. He absentmindedly slided the answer tab and picked up the call and it was Namjoon.

" Yes hyung. What is it ? " Taehyung asked the elder with a his sleepy voice.

" You should get ready Taehyungah. We have to go meet the vogue magazine director. He has requested you to appear on the magazine cover for the June release. " Namjoon said and taehyung groaned.

" Ughh okay hyung. When will you come to pick me up ? " Taehyung asked . " At 10. 00. It's 8 30 now. You have one hour and thirty minutes to get ready. " Namjoon replied and the younger humed to the phone.

" Okay see you later then hyung " saying that taehyung disconnected the call as he got down from the bed and walked to the bathroom to do his morning routine.

He took a bath after brushing his teeth and got dressed.
It took about 30 minutes for the model to choose an outfit but finally he got into a matching shirt and pants.

Taehyung took his mask as well and went downstairs to wait for Namjoon

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Taehyung took his mask as well and went downstairs to wait for Namjoon. He checked the time and it was 9 45 am. So he sat on the couch and started to scroll through his social media until he get a call from his joonie hyung.

Right at 10, Taehyung's phone started to ring. The model stood up and walked out of the house closing the door behind him and got into the car.

" Good morning taehyungie " The elder greeted Taehyung with his warm dimpled smile.

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