Chapter 29 - Dimencreas♡

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"Here we are"

Y/n looked around with widened eyes at the tall, majestic trees that stood proudly around them.

"Woahhh" that's all slipped out of her mouth as she was awestruck by the beauty of this unknown forest.

"Where are we Tae?" Y/n asked from the male who was smiling beautifully while standing next to her.

"We are about 45 kilometers away from Seoul baby. Not many people come here because this forest is kinda isolated but to be honest, I love it here. So I wanted you to be the first one to see this with me" he said looking at y/n who was busy admiring the nature around her.

"I am~ I don't know how to express what I am feeling now Tae. I am loving it here" the girl exclaimed smiling widely at her husband.

"Well, I am glad if you like it here" taehyung said and y/n shook her head.

"I don't like it here, I love it so much" saying that she literally threw herself at taehyung and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for bringing me here taehyungie. I am so happy" she said pulling away from the hug and looking at the smiling man.

"Wanna go and look around with me?" Taehyung asked from y/n while offering his hand to her which she took immediately with a smile.

"Yes of course. Let's walk around a lot" she said interwining their fingers together.

"Your wish is my command princess" the model said caressing y/ns hand with his thumb and pecked her lips softly. "come, let's go" saying that he led the way into the forest followed by the girl.

After walking into the forest for several minutes, they reached a foot path that led deep into the forest.

"This is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen in my life" the girl said still not being able to believe that a place like this existed just a few kilometers away from Seoul

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"This is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen in my life" the girl said still not being able to believe that a place like this existed just a few kilometers away from Seoul.

"There are more attractive places inside" Taehyung said with a smirk and y/n widened her eyes again in pure amazement. " Now I can't wait to see them" she said making Taehyung chuckle softly. "Well, you won't have to wait long petal" he said and both of them started walking again.

Y/n took her phone into her free hand and took many photos because she loved almost everything about this beautiful forest. Not only that, she didn't forget to capture beautiful photos of the handome male who was walking infront of her while holding her hand.


Y/n froze on the spot hearing Taehyung whisper the above to her. She was perplexed why he asked her to stop suddenly out of nowhere but soon her curiosity found answers.

"Look at that" he whispered pointing towards his left and y/n turned her head to look at what he was showing to her.

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