Chapter 58 - Zephyr ♡

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**Mature content ahead, read at your own risk. Please skip if you are uncomfortable in reading this part. Its highlighted so that you can skip these paragraphs if uncomfortble. starting from an asterix(*) and ending with another *.


Taehyung was cought off guard by Y/n s kiss but well, he loved kissing her so immediately the male wrapped his arms around the girl and kissed her back lovingly. His hands cradled her face tenderly as Taehyung deepened the kiss,their lips dancing in sync while teasing each other with so much love. The male gently traced the contours of her mouth with his tongue making y/n moan into the kiss. Y/n responded eagerly to his actions by sliding her own hands up his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingertips.

Suddenly, Taehyung started to push her gently towards the wall without breaking the kiss and once her back hit the wall, he held her against it making sure that she is comfortable and enjoying every moment of their kiss. They lost themselved in the intoxicating rhythm of the kiss and desire was taking over both of them. Each movement was a symphony of passion, a dance of longing and yearning that seemed to consume them both. Taehyung'skiss was both tender and demanding, a delicate balance of desire and restraint that left Y/n breathless with anticipation.

Taehyung teased y/n s lips sucking the lower hard and without any hesitation she parted her lips, inviting him deeper and he obliged, their tongues entwining in a sensual tango. Taehyungs hand was on her ass and the other was cupping her cheek and every touch sent shivers down her spine making her melt down her knees for him and every brush of his lips against hers ignited a fire within Y/n that she couldn't and didn't want to control. Taehyung's hands roamed her body with a hunger that matched her own, tracing the curves of her form with a reverence that left her trembling with need.

Lost in the moment, the Kim couple forgot about everything else, lost in the sensation of each other. It was a dance of desire, a symphony of need and in that moment nothing else mattered but the intoxicating and addictive connection they shared. As Taehyung finally pulled away, gently without breaking the eye contact , y/n was breathing heavily like a fish asking for air and it made taehyung lovingly giggle and plant a kiss on his wife's forehead.

"Make love to me" Y/n said with such eagerness that made Taehyung smile and cup her face while staring into her eyes. "Aren't you tired my love? Do you really want me to make love to you princess? " He asked from the younger in a deep husky voice clearly knowing that she wants it more than anything at the moment. Taehyung was dying to make love to her well but he wanted to tease her for a moment to build up the air for a better making love session.

"Yes, yes , to hell with my tiredness. Fuck me" y/n said and taehyung was quite impressed at her bald use of language which showed how needy she was for taehyung's touch.

"How do you want me to fuck you princess" The male asked lowering his voice an octave lower making shivers go down y/n s body. "Raw and hard, just the way i like it" as soon as those words left Y/n s mouth Taehyung caught her in a fierce kiss and pulled away momentarily and looked at her with his dark orbs. His wife was looking totally wrecked by just a kiss with swollen pinky lips and beads of sweat on her forehead. Taehyung wanted to feel her around him but first of all he wanted make sure that Y/n was comfortable with everything.

"Please hurry up" Y/n whined and who is Taehyung to say no. " Strip" He demanded and watched y/n get out of her clothes one by one and finally she was standing infront of him with nothing on making taehyung feel his length harden against the boxer. 

"Get on the bed" The male just had to say the words, Y/n was already on the bed and oh it was such a sinful sight for Taehyung that made him so impatient and so needy. Taehyung followed y/n on to the bed, ripped his shirt in two and threw it on the ground before hovering over his girl. "Your pants?" Y/n asked in a soft voice making taehyung chuckle seeing how adorable y/n was.

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