Chapter 15 - Monachopsis♡

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Soobin was the one who called the police once he saw the comotion ouside the hospital. He never expected to see his best friend getting harassed by a group of obsessed people. Soobin ran to help Y/n and held her trying help her sit but noticed that she has already passed out in his arms. The girl's dress was ruined and it has started to smell because of eggs but not thinking of those, Soobin lifted and took Y/n into his arms as he went inside the hospital to get her treated properly.

He called the doctors who were on duty in the OPD and they rushed to check the girl's condition.

" Dr. Y/n should be admitted and she should go through some more tests. We need to call her family " The doctor incharge of the OPD for the day told to Soobin who was standing next to Y/n looking at her best friend lying unconcsious on the hospital bed.

"No doctor. We can't do that. They will panic and might cause a scene. Can i sign as her guardian when she is getting admitted?" Soobin asked and the dcotor shook his head.

" I don't think that can be done Dr. Soobin. I heard Dr. Y/n is married right? Can you call her husband and inform him about this? " The doctor asked. But from what Soobin has heard about taehyung from Y/n , he wasn't sure whether Taehyung will come even if they inform him about her condition. But he decided to give it a try.

" Yes doctor . I will call her husband and inform him about her. " Soobin said and the doctor nodded giving him a reassuring smile. "I will give her an IV for now. Let me know when her guardian arrives " Saying that, the doctor instructed a nurse to put a canula on y/ns hand and to give her an IV drip through that.

Until the nurse does that, Soobin searched Y/n s handbag and took her phone out of it.

"Shit it's locked " he cursed softly and tried typing several dates that could be y/n s password but unfortunately nothing worked. "Wait, will I be able to unlock this using her fingerprint?" Soobin thought for a while and took y/n s right thumb and placed it where he assumed that a sensor could be at. It worked and with a click sound the phone unlocked.

Soobin went to the contact list and searched for a number with the name Taehyung. But he couldn't find it. He then tried for several times but failed because Taehyung's number was actually not saved on y/n s phone.

"Oh god! What am i supposed to do now?" Soobin sighed looking at Y/n but he didn't have to wait more because Taehyung was already there.


" Ughh finally!" Taehyung said while hurriedly getting down from the car once it was parked at the entrance of the hospital. He didn't wait for Namjoon but rushed into the hospital to look for Y/n. Taehyung heard people gasp and stare at him but he didn't give damn about it. Taehyung went directly to the reception and talked to the nurse who was on duty there.

" Can I know where Kim Y/n is ? " Taehyung asked from the nurse. He was shocked at himself for calling her with his surname but he didn't care about it at that moment.

" Mr. Kim what's your relationship with Dr. Y/n?" The nurse asked even though she clearly knew that Taehyung was Y/n s husband.

" I am her husband " Taehyung said after hesitating for a moment but he quickly shook his hesitaion off as he felt Namjoon's hand caressing his back assuring him.

" Please come Mr. Kim. Dr. Y/n is still in the OPD " The nurse said escorting Taehyung and Namjoon to the OPD.

Taehyung followed the nurse and as soon as they entered the OPD, Taehyung saw Y/n lying unconcsious on a bed with an IV connected to her. Her dress was ruined due to eggs and tomatoes and Taehyung felt his heart clench in guilt as soon as he saw the girl.

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