Chapter 4 - Apricity♡

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" Good evening aboji. It's good to see you home for dinner after several days. " Yoongi said while sitting beside y/n facing their father.

"Hmm" it was all Jungwon said as he looked at y/n who was looking at him wanting to know what he has to tell her.

" Y/n " Jungwon called y/n. " I received a proposal for your marriage " he said and y/n s eyes widened in pure shock because it was something that she never expected to hear from her father.

" What are you talking about aboji? She is still so young to marry and she hasn't even graduated from the University yet " Hobi was the first one to object as the others were literally speechless after this sudden news. But their father didn't seem to care about anything that Hobi said.

" You are to get married to the son of Kim Hanbin y/n. It's going to benefit a lot in our business. Can you imagine what a great chance this is? He himself brought up this proposal " Jungwon kept on saying like he won the lottery. " And y/n you will be getting married to non other than your favorite celebrity Kim Taehyung. Yes he is in coma that's why this is going to be a good one. The marriage is literally a contract which is one year long and when it's done you can get a divorce or if you wish, you can live with him even after the contract period " he said and before he could finish it, yoongi who was listening to all these raised his voice in pure anger.

"What are you talking about aboji? And do you expect us to wait and watch until you get our little sister married to someone whom she doesnt even know ? Okay, Kim might be a well known celebrity but he is fucking unconcious aboji. He is in a coma!!! Are you going to destroy your only daughter's happiness and life by chaining her to a marriage just for the benefit of your company? Even if you want to do that, we won't let you. We will protect our princess with our lives!"

" SHUT UP MIN YOONGI " Jungwon growled at his son and looked at everyone.
" I didn't ask for ANYONE'S opinion. I have come to a decision and that's the final. Y/n get ready to get married within a week " Jungwon said and walked to his room and Mrs. Min followed her angry husband trying to calm him down. Meanwhile y/n who was already a crying mess, ran to her room and closed the door with a loud thud leaving a helpless yoongi and a Hobi in the living room.

Y/n felt her legs buckle as she fell on to the floor sobbing loudly. Marriage, she obviously wanted to get married to someone who loves her with all his heart. She wanted to fall in love, to date, to have fun with her boyfriend before getting married. Y/n wanted to get married after she graduated and she wanted to get her medical degree before anything else. Y/n had a lot of dreams about getting married. She has never had a boyfriend because she was waiting for the right person to come and ask for her hand. She has dreamt of having a beautiful wedding someday but now, all her dreams will remain just as dreams since her father chose money over her happiness. Since her father chose his business over his own daughter.

Y/n loved Taehyung. Yes but as a celebrity. She didn't know what type of a personality taehyung had and now how the hell can she know because he is in a damned coma. Y/n knew that if this marriage happens, she will eventually end up hating taehyung even though he is not at fault here at all. Taehyung was the dream man of every girl but y/n liked him just as a celebrity. Y/n needed a man who will give her priority and look after her with all his love. Even though she like taehyung she doesn't want to be his wife. She would of course marry him if they fell in love but like this, a forced marriage? no way cuz y/n couldn't even imagine herself living a life like that.

The younger knew that there is nothing she could do against the will of her father. He was a strict man and she knew that he would do anything to make her do as he says. Y/n was sobbing her heart out and she eventually fell asleep on the floor as tears kept on streaming down her face.

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