Chapter 35 - Paronomasia♡

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Everyone was so amazed (or were they actually shocked?) to see the unannounced arrival of Min Jungwon, but who can blame him? It's his house after all.

Y/n s mother, Mrs. Min quickly went to the living room to greet and talk to her husband. It was the first time that y/n was seeing her father after so long and most importantly it was the first time that taehyung is seeing Jungwon live. Even during the party which was held, Taehyung met only Y/n s mother not her father.

" Is your meeting over Yoongis Appa?" Mrs. Min asked and her husband nodded at her in response.

"Yeah. After the meeting we had dinner together and the others stayed for drinks. I didn't feel like drinking because I was feeling a bit tired. So I came home " Jungwon said looking at his wife.
It seemed like he still didn't notice taehyung or y/n so Mrs. Min decided to speak up about them.

"We have visitors Jungwon-ssi." Y/n s mother said with a beautiful smile.

"We do?" Jungwon replied with a question rising his brows in curiosity.

"Mm hmm" Mrs. Min nodded with a smile and looked at her side gesturing Jungwon to look with her. Mr. Min turned his face and saw the three younger males sitting around the coffee table and having a drink while laughing and giggling so much.

They didn't notice Mr. Min yet since they were too invested in talking and drinking.

"Who's that other kid? I see Yoongi and hobi but can't identify the other one" Jungwon said and y/n s mother replied to him immediately.

"That's y/n s husband Kim Taehyung."

As soon as she said that, Jungwon's eyes widened in amazement because Taehyung was the last person he expected to see at his place.

" Our Daughter and son in law visited us a while ago Jungwon-ssi. They had dinner and I asked Taehyungie to go with yoongs and hobi. Y/n is in the kitchen, helping the maids to clean up" Y/n s mother said wondering what her husband's reply will be.

"Oh that's nice to hear. " Jungwon said and gave his coat to his wife. " I should probably go join them. I always wanted meet that boy. " He said and walked towards the couch leaving Mrs. Min shocked. Jungwon was never the one to talk and be friendly with others, specially with people who are not advantageous to him or his business. But this time, he seemed to be honestly interested in getting to know Taehyung. A smile appeared on Mrs. Min's face and she walked back to the kitchen to tell this news to her daughter.


"Good morning baby"

Taehyung heard Y/N s voice as soon as he opened his eyes. His head was hurting so much like he was hit by a hammer. Trying to ignore the pain in his head, the male looked at his wife who was watching him with eyes full of love.

"Good morning Tae" Y/n greeted Taehyung with a beautiful smile and pecked his lips. "Slept well? It's already 10 in the morning" She added with a chuckle.

"TEN? God i have to go to work" Taehyung said and looked around the unfamiliar room where he was in. "By the way where am I?" He asked curiously from Y/n and a laugh escaped her lips seeing Taehyung's perplexed face.

"Nope yu don't have to go to work Tae. Namjoon oppa called your mobile n the morning. Since you were fast asleep I answered the call. He said that the shoot which was scheduled for today has been cancelled. And about this room, we are still at my parent's place and we are in my old room. I used to sleep here for almost 23 years. " Y/n said looking around the room with eyes full of emotions.

"Wow. I love it here. This room looks so aesthetic ." Taehyung said raising his head to look around the room comfortably.

The room was very spacious and the bedroom was entirely beige themed. Starting from the wall painting to the furniture.

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