Chapter 20 - Lagom♡

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Y/n parked the car in the parking lot of her parents house. She got down grabbing just her mobile from the passenger seat and walked to the front door. A maid who was near the door smiled warmly at the girl and greeted her as she opened the door and walked into the house.

She removed her heels near the doorstep and tiptoed to the kitchen looking for her mother. Y/n spotted her mother and hobi in the kitchen so she thought to go to Hobi first. The girl walked slowly to her brother and quickly covered his eyes while standing behind him. Hobi stilled on the spot with this sudden action of the younger but it took only seconds for him to notice to whom the hands that covered his eyes belonged to.

Hobi turned around and once he saw y/n standing in front of him with a smiling face he literally threw himself at her and hugged her tightly. "Oh god you are back princess " Hobi screamed and lifted y/n off the floor while hugging her.

"Keep me on the floor... Hobii" y/n laughed and then Hobi placed her back on the floor smiling widely at his sister. " Hello eomma" Y/n went to her mother and hugged her tightly. Then she went to Hobi and hugged him once again. " I missed you all " y/n said pulling away from the hug. She took a seat in the kitchen table looking at her mother and brother.

"Where is yoongs? " The girl asked and it was their mother who replied to her. "Yoongs went to meet another music producer today. He will be back soon" Mrs. Min said and y/n nodded with a smile.

"You should have informed us that you are coming princess. If you did, we could have made something for you" Hobi said with a frown.

"It's fine Hobii. Taehyung-ssi went for shooting and he might get late. So I decided to come to see you all until he comes back home. Anyways, didn't you go to the university today? " Y/n asked from her brother who took a seat infront facing her.

" I did sweetie. I went to the university in the morning and came home at around 2. 30. I slept for a while and then came here to help eomma to prepare dinner " Hobi said making y/n smile fondly at him.

"I also want a son like Hobi someday. Who loves his mother so much" y/n said and hobi smiled warmly at his sister. " You will get one and I am sure of that. God, my little princess has grown up so much" he said ruffling y/n s loose hair lovingly.

"Excuse me Mr. Hoseok. You know that you aren't allowed to touch my hair " y/n said playfully at her brother and both burst out laughing.

" We made dumplings last night and there were some more in the freezer. I will heat them up for you" y/n s mother said and the younger agreed to it happily because she loved to eat dumplings.


It was almost 5.30 in the evening when shooting was over for Taehyung. He was so tired and exhausted after a long day. It was the most tiring day that he had after three years. Namjoon was always with Taehyung making sure that the younger is hydrated and comfortable. Taehyung was so thankful and grateful for Namjoon for caring about him so much.

"Shooting for today is over everyone. Thank you for your hardwork. Let us meet soon again. Our team will email your next shooting date to your manager and the company" The director said and everyone stood up to get ready to leave.

Taehyung was quickly escorted to the changing room by Namjoon and he gave the younger his clothes to get changed into. Taehyung changed into his own clothes quickly and handed over the clothes that he was wearing to the stylists. He didn't wait to remove his make-up because he decided to do it when he go home. At this point all Taehyung wanted to do was to go home quickly, have bath, eat and sleep.

"Thank you for your hardwork Mr. Kim. You were really good today. Just as you used to be three years ago. Nothing has changed" The director appreciated Taehyung's acting skills as soon as Taehyung went out of the changing room.

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