Chapter 12 - Sophrosyne♡

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When Jungkook pulled up next to the company and parked the car, Namjoon got out. Taehyung did too. The individuals holding cameras in front of the building ran towards him as soon as he began to go in the direction of the firm building so they could try to take pictures of them.

They were journalists from the media, and they frequently approached famous people to take their pictures and conduct brief interviews. However, when they first saw Taehyung, almost all of them stopped, and Taehyung could hear their shocked gasps.

" Mr. Kim Taehyung? " One journalist asked in a hesitant voice and taehyung turned around to face them while maintaining a certain distance from them.

" Yes it's Kim Taehyung " taehyung replied to them in his deep voice and all of the journalists rushed close to him with their cameras and microphones and started clicking pictures of the celebrity who made a public appearance after 3 years.

Without allowing anyone else to approach the model, Namjoon instantly moved in front of Taehyung and stopped the journalists with his hand.

"Your queries will be addressed by Mr. Kim. However, keep your distance and avoid shoving the cameras and microphones in his face "Namjoon sternly instructed before moving next to Taehyung to allow him to address the media.

" Mr. Kim. We are spotting you in public after so long. Can you please explain why you were away from the public's eye ? " One journalist questioned and taehyung smiled as he replied to the man.

" You all must know that I got into an accident three years back and I was in a coma. I woke up from the coma recently. Last night to be specific. No one else was permitted to see me other than my brother, friends and the doctors since I was on a hospital bed for three years. " Taehyung said noticing the shock in eyes of all the men and women who were surrounding him.

" We are so happy that you got well even though it took some time. Are you planning to make a comeback and return to the industry Mr. Kim ? " Another one asked and taehyung controlled himself from rolling his eyes and started to answer the question.

"Yes, I will return with the projects I wasn't able to finish as well as new ones if I am offered new photo shoots or dramas. I didn't retire from the field anyways. I just took a break because I was sick " the model said with a nod.

" I hope I am not invading your privacy Mr. Kim. But I saw you wearing a ring on your ring finger. Is it just a ring or is there anything special about it?" One lady journalist questioned and taehyung cursed at himself internally for forgetting to remove the ring before he stepped out of the house. Taehyung looked at Namjoon and the elder gave him an encouraging nod. Then Taehyung looked at the cameras which were recording him and forced a smile on his face.

"A ring can be worn solely as a piece of jewelry, correct? But before the paparazzi start spreading erroneous information about me, I will inform the media. I am indeed married, and I am wearing my wedding ring. I believe I have addressed your query."

Taehyung was bombarded with questions from the media as soon as he revealed his marriage, including inquiries about his wife, the date of their marriage, and how he managed to get married while he was unconscious. However, Namjoon swiftly moved to the front as he spoke with the media gently pushing taehyung to stand behind him.

" We must depart at this time, ladies and gentlemen, as Mr. Kim has a lot of work to do. Please feel free to contact the company by email if you have any additional questions. Thank you" saying that namjoon escorted taehyung into the company building. The gasps and the shocked faces of the employees when they saw Taehyung , didn't go unnoticed by the model or his manager.

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