Chapter 62 - Yonderly ♡

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Taehyung's reports came out normal and healthy but taehyung and y/n collectively decided to stay for two more weeks in the hospital so that he will be able to finish muscle therapy as well.

So after the two weeks, taehyung was back at his old self and he was able to walk and do his work alone without the assistance of anyone else.

Once all the things at the hospital was over, Y/n and Taehyung drove home after thanking the professor and the hospital staff for taking such good care of the model. Y/n asked Taehyung to take the passenger seat for today so that the girl will get a chance to drive her husband home.

After a 10 minute drive, they reached their home and both got down from the car and y/n gave the key to Jackson to park the vehicle. Taehyung took Y/n s hand in his and they unlocked the door and went into their home. Taehyung felt like he entered heaven as soon as he stepped into the familar environment and having his wife next to him was everything ne needed.

So as soon as he went inside Taehyung pulled y/n towards him and pressed his lips on hers and y/n circled her hands around his neck as she kissed him back immediately. Taehyung cupped y/n s face with one hand tilting her face as the kiss deepened. The male traced the contours of Y/n s lips with his tongue and sucked her lower lip making the younger moan into the kiss.

"WELCOME HO..OH MY GODD!!!!" Hearing Seokjins and Hobi s voices the couple quickly pulled away from the kiss and looked at the shocked faces of y/n s parents, yoongi, hobii and seokjin in a horrified look.

"OH MY LORD! We are SO SORRY!!!" Hobi said chuckling visibly and smirking at his sister.

"How are you all here??? Oh my god!!!" Y/n stuttered seeing her parents and she felt so embarrassed that they saw them kissing.

"We are so sorry, we didn't know you guys were here" taehyung said apologizing to y/n's parents. "And hyung i am not apologizing to you because you should have told me that you are coming" taehyung said in an annoyed tone while turning to seokjin.

"If i told you, how will it be a surprise you idiot?" Seokjin said hitting taehyung's hand playfully.

"Oh come on everyone take a seat" y/n said immediately realizing that all of the elders were still standing while looking at them in an amused way.

"Oh no hun. You and taehyungie take a seat first. We brought dinner for you two" y/n s mother said escorting the young couple to the dining table.

The dining table was literally full of different kinds of dishes and y/n was surprised and happy to see all hers and taehyungs favorites on it.

"What made you cook all these eomma? This is enough for a whole week for both of us" y/n said looking at her mother with widened eyes.

"You can't cook this much food and tire yourself my dear daughter and also our dear taehyungie should be given plenty of nutritious food. And for sometime, you can eat these side dishes and let me know when you run out of them, i ll send you more" mrs. Min said caressing her daughter's hair.

"Thank you eommonim" Taehyung said bowing his head as they started to eat.


"We should have checked before kissing" y/n said with a chuckle while she was cleaning the house after the guests left.

"Lol. Who knew that they will be inside of a locked door" Taehyung replied laughing out loud. "I was honestly caught off guard baby. I didn't know what to say or what to do when i saw your parents standing in front of us" he added leaning on the couch looking at his wife.

"You are totally checking me out. Stop itt!!!" Y/n said laughing at how taehyung's eyes were on her. "You are telling me that i cannot check out what's mine?" The male replied in a deep voice and started to walk towards y/n.

He suddenly picked her up and placed her on the kitchen island and stood between her legs. Taehyung was starring at y/n s eyes and his gaze made goosebumps appear on her skin.

Taehyung came so close to y/n in a way that their lips were barely touching and he was teasing the girl because he saw how eager the younger was to kiss him. Y/n felt like an entire zoo was inside her tummy when taehyung was teasing her and finally, she lost her patience as she grabbed tae by her collar and collided her lips with his.

That was what taehyung wanted, for y/n to initiate this kiss and as she did exactly what he wanted, the male pulled her closer to him and kissed her back fiercely in so much lust, desire and love.

Y/n missed this so much, the dominance taehyung always held when he kissed her and the way he handled her at these kind of intimate moments. And only taehyung knew how much he craved for this for the past two weeks, when he was stuck at the hospital without getting a single chance to kiss his love because he was always being watched by a nurse or someone else . And now, he has all the time in the world to love his wife, to be with his wife, to kiss, to touch his wife and taehyung was gonna take use of every passing second to show y/n how much he loves her.

They were kissing, playing with each other's tongues playfully and smiling between the kisses. The young couple was enjoying every bit of the kiss and y/n shrieked when taehyung picked her up without breaking the kiss. The male walked upstairs and went into their bedroom and placed y/n gently on the bed as he hovered over her and kissed her lovingly.

Taehyung raised the hem of y/ns t shirt revealing her beautiful little baby bump and kissed all over her tummy with so much love whispering loving things to their baby. " appa came back to your eomma sunshine. Appa came back to see you and your eomma" he felt his eyes getting teary when he said those and he kissed y/n once again on her lips mumbling "i love you"s to her.


Then his lips moved to y/n s neck kissing her soft skin and sucking on it making love marks appear on it in no time. Taehyung loved seeing his marks on her skin and with a proud smile, he licked the hickeys as his hand kept on massaging her breasts over her tshirt.

"Thank you so much for being there for me baby" taehyung said pecking on y/n s lips while his hand was still on her breast. Y/n just nodded at him because he was feeling immense pleasure in what taehyung was doing to her.

"Aww you seem to be enjoying my love. Am i doing well enough to tell you how much i am thankful for everything you did for me?" Taehyung said in a teasing voice as his hand moved inside her shorts and he smirked as he noticed that y/n wasn't wearing any underwear. "So wet for me" he said against y/n s lips as he kissed the girl slowly.

Then taehyung pulled away from the girl and chuckled lightly seeing how y/n whined due to the loss of contact. Taehyung pecked the girl's forehead and kneeled in front of her and pulled down her shorts revealing her wet womanhood. Y/n spread her legs feeling what is going to come next and seeing her bold action made Taehyung's length harden against his boxers.

Without any prior notice, the males lips were on y/n s sweet spot, massaging it with his tongue while the girl held into the bed sheet as her toes were curling due to the immense pleasure. Taehyung ate her out like he hasn't eaten in months and once y/n reached her high, the male kissed her down there once more and cleaned the girl with a wet towel before getting her into a new pair of shorts.


After that, y/n and taehyung was on the bed cuddling with each other and the male was caressing the girl's hair and mumbling songs to her watching her fall asleep comfortably in his arms



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