Chapter 57 - Kairos ♡

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Well, the dinner was A FEAST!!

There were food covering the whole area of the dining table making everyone gasp at the beauty of each and every dish that made their eyes feast on them before the food hit their mouths.

"Eommaaa!!! How long did it take you to prepare this much of food?" Y/n asked from her mother while looking at her with huge eyes.

"I made them with the help of our very own seokjin. Without him I would not be able to make this much of food" mrs. Min said patting seokjin's shoulder lovingly and the elder smiled at everyone in response.

"I just can't wait to dig in." Taehyung said with a playful smile making y/n giggle at him.

"Why are you waiting? Eat everyone. And let us know what you think about the food" As soon as those words slipped out of seokjin's mouth, everyone started to put food on their plates and seeing how everyone was enjoying the food made the hearts of mrs. Min and seokjin full of happiness.

"I never knew you could cook THIS well hyung" taehyung told to Seokjin with a smirk on his face and earned a playful smack on his back.

"Honor your brother child" Seokjin said it so seriously making everyone laugh.

"Mmm Hmmm. Make sure to cook for me when I visit your place then" Taehyung said with a mouth full of food.

"Eat first and then you are allowed to bicker as much as you want children" Mrs. Min said while patting taehyung's head signaling him to swallow the food in his mouth before talking.


The dinner went amazingly well and finally it was time for y/n and taehyung to go home. Seokjin, Namjoon and Soobin decided to stay at the Min residence because the guys wanted to bond over a drink.

"I wish both of you could stay tonight as well princess" Mrs. Min told y/n with a saddened look because she wanted to spend more time with her daughter and son-in-law. "I wish we could as well eomma, but we have our doctor's appointment in the morning tomorrow and after that I have to go to work." Y/n said with a pout and Mrs. Min lovingly caressed her daughter's hair.

"It's totally fine baby. You should get your check ups done and be healthy for your baby. Look after her really well son" The elder said the latter part while looking at Taehyung and he nodded at her with a smile in response.

"Then we will take our leave now everyone. Thank you for the amazing time today. I really am so thankful to have you all in my life" Y/n said bowing at her family before getting in to the car.

Taehyung opened the door for his wife and once she got in to the passenger seat, he opened the back door to put all the flower bouquets into the car and Hobi and yoongi helped him to put the other gifts into the trunk. And when it was done, the Kim couple drove away heading to their home after waving goodbye to everyone.

But no one knew that it will be the last time that they will be seeing Taehyung concious for a long time.


2-3 hours ago at the elder Kim residence

"What are you going to do now seokjin's appa?"Mrs Kim asked from a husband who was looking at a contract paper with a serious look.

"I honestly don't know. I can't think straight at the moment with all these deals and shit going on in my business" He said looking at his wife.

"In my opinion, you should agree with what Mr. Williamson is offering you seokjin's appa. Taehyung is bound to that woman by a contract and that is going to expire soon anyways. If you sign this contract no one will be able to threaten your position ever." Mrs. Kim said and her husband looked at her with a bitter expression.

"Don't you love Taehyung? I really wanted to ask that from you but couldn't so i am asking you today. Don't you love your son Kim Taehyung?"He asked focusing his gaze on his wife.

"Well he is just a character in my life and I don't love him like i love seokjin of course. He has never been a son to me." She said wondering why her husband asked such a quetion from her out of the blue.

"Have you ever been a mother to her Kim Minso? The maids and Seokjin practically raised Taehyung after he was born and all you did was giving birth to him. THAT IS ALL!!! I took a lot of time thinking about the deal Mr. Williamson offered me but is Taehyung some kind of a toy to be used like that?? It took me so many damned years to understand all these and I regretted a lot about many things i did to him and what i did with his current marriage is also SO WRONG. "

"But now I know that Miss Min has been treating my Taehyung so well and now that they are in love and that my son is happier than ever. Only that, ONLY THAT makes my heart light and it helps me not to regret making him marry her without his consent. So yeah, whatever the deals, whatever others may offer me, I will never ever use my Taehyung for my advantage. He already hates me, hates us and i don't want him to hate me even more. and i dont want to ruin a perfectly happy family just because of my greed for money and power. So let me handle my business and stay away from my son's life. Because you told me right now that he is JUST a character in your life but for me, he is one of my precious sons that i love more than anything." Mr. Kim screamed at his wife in frustration and walked to his room leaving Kim Minso shocked in the living room.

He sat on the bed looking at the wallpaper on his phone which was photo he took of Seokjin and Taehyung when they were children. He felt like his heart was breaking into a million of pieces remembering all the ill treatment he did to taehyung from his childhood just because the younger was refusing to do what he wanted.

Kim Hanbin was a very busy business man who always had to be out of home for work so all he knew about Taehyung was what his wife told him when he came home. He got to know the truth only when Fredrick who came with Mr. Williamson's offer left the house because Seokjin told him everything after knowing about what his father was about to do. A tear rolled down Hanbin's eyes and he looked at the photo one last time before keeping his phone away.

"I am sorry Taehyung. Appa is so sorry for everything."He was saying in a mere whisper and wiped his tears off before someone sees him like that.


"Why do I feel like i am the luckiest man in the world? " Taehyung said looking at hsi wife who was combing her hair by the dressing table.

"Well, becuase you are an incredible person?" Y/n said chuckling at him while looking at his through the mirror.

"Oh no. That is SO NOT the reason " The male said standing up from the sitting position and walking towards y/n, and he pulled the girl gently towards him by circling his hands around her waist and placed her chin on her shoulder in a way that both of them were looking at the mirror.

"Look at you baby. Look at my amazing woman glowing like the brightest star in the sky. And this amazing lady is married to me, all mine for life and even after that and does it not make me the luckiest man in the world?" Taehyung asked kissing y/ns neck so softly making her tummy feel billions of butterflies.

That was her weakness, that was Kim Y/n s weakness. His neck kisses, Taehyung's neck kisses made her melt down everytime and he made her horny and needy despite where she was at and right now, they are at home, in their bedroom and nothing will stop y/n from asking her husband to make love to her. Because it was Taehyung who made her feel like a queen, like she was the most beautiful person in existence and Taehyung was the ony one who made her smile her heart out.

She felt goosebumps pop on her smooth skin as soon as her neck felt taehyung's lips on them she was desperate for his touch and the kiss. So Y/n turned around and looked at her beautiful husband with a smile and pressed her lips on his making his eyes go wide due to her sudden kiss.


Hello everyone!!

After a long long time I got time to update and my exams are finally over. Apologies for the delayed reply and expect frequent updates from today because i am excited to finish this story and start with my new one>


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