Chapter 5 - Arcane♡

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The following day morning y/n woke up hearing her mother call her name. It was hard for her to open her puffy eyes but somehow she managed to looked at her mother who was watching her with concerning eyes.

Y/n quickly noticed her mother's swollen face and eyes. The younger's hand quickly went to her mother's face and caressed it softly. " Does it hurt eomma " y/n asked softly and Mrs. Min shook her head saying no.

" I am sorry my baby. Your mother is too weak to stand up for your happiness. I am so sorry honey " the elder pulled her daughter to a hug as she broke into sobs. Y/n didn't have energy to cry more since she cried her eyes out through out the night and now her tears were dried up and she felt like no tears were available for her to cry more.

She circled her arms around her mother and caressed her back. " It's okay eomma. I am fine. Time will fly and one-year will be gone in a blink " she said trying to assure her mother but Mrs. Min knew how much her daughter was broken inside.

" Now let me get up eomma. I should go to the hospital " y/n forced a smile on her face as she pulled away from the hug .

" Get dressed and come downstairs honey. I will get your breakfast ready" Mrs. Min told to her daughter and left to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Y/n stood up and walked to the bathroom to do her morning routine. She was startled to see her own face through the mirror as her eyes were puffed up and face was still swollen from crying last night. Dark circles were formed under her eyes making it obvious that y/n has been crying a lot. She sighed looking at herself and started to brush her teeth.

Once she was done with her morning routine, she got dressed and applied extra makeup to cover up her dark eyes. She succeeded in it to a certain amount but still anyone could assume that the younger has been through a lot that has involved a lot of crying.

Y/n walked to the kitchen to get her breakfast and found her mother preparing food for her. She was surprised because neither Yoongi nor Hobi was at the kitchen.
" Eomma is yoongs and hobi still sleeping?" Y/n asked and her mother gave her a sad smile.

" Your brothers are so mad at us for the decision your father took honey. They refused to eat and they aren't even coming out of their rooms " Mrs. Min said obviously missing the usual happy breakfast that they used to have. " Oh I ll go talk to them " saying that y/n went to see yoongi and she walked into his room after knocking once.

Yoongi was sleeping and he looked at y/n as he heard his door open. Y/n smiled at her elder brother and sat on his bed. " I am okay " she said and yoongi humed. " No oppa. I am really okay. " Y/n said again but she turned to look at the door hearing someone coming.

" Hyung are you going to eat?" Saying that Hobi opened the door and he smiled seeing y/n sitting on yoongis bed. "Good morning princess and good morning hyung " he greeted y/n and yoongi as he walked into the room. " Good morning Hobii " y/n greeted her brother back with a smile.

" Oh I forgot to tell both of you. I agreed to marry Mr. Kim " y/n said and both yoongi's and Hoseok's eyes widened in shock.

" What ? Why ? You don't have to do that Min Y/n! We will deal with our father " yoongi said but y/n shook her head. "No use oppa. We all know how our father is. And it's only for one year. So I agreed " saying that y/n stood up from the bed.

" Come eat will you? Eomma is so upset that you two aren't there for breakfast. It's not her fault anyways " y/n said and hugged yoongi tightly wrapping her arms around him and yoongi hugged her back immediately.

And after hugging her eldest brother, y/n went to Hobi and hugged him as well. Hobi loved hugs and he hugged back his sister gently and caressed her hair with so much love for her.

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