Chapter 25 - Utopia♡

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Y/n froze on the spot feeling Taehyung's warm lips on her own. She didn't even have any time to process what was happening because Taehyung pulled away from the kiss and looked at her with eyes full of warmth.

"Come with me" saying that he look y/ns hand and gently pulled her with him. The girl looked at her two brothers but they were too immersed in the music so they didn't really realize that y/n was not with them.

Taehyung walked to a dimly lit corridor with y/n where there were no other people. Younger was perplexed and shocked about what was happening and she still couldn't figure out anything.

"Mr. Kim why are we here and why did you~" y/n couldn't get to complete what she was about to say because Taehyung looked at her and pushed her gently against the wall and caged her between his arms.

"Please call me by my name y/n-ssi" Taehyung said and y/n gulped hearing his deep yet sexy voice.

"Why are we here taehyung-ssi?" Y/n asked him hesitantly and taehyung frowned because he didn't want the ssi part from the girl after his name.

"Just Taehyung. " He said tilting his head and looking at the girl. "And you were gonna ask why I did this right?" He said and pecked the girl's lips once again and it made y/n widen her eyes and stare at him.

"I like you bub. I really really REALLY like you so much" taehyung said looking into y/n s eyes and noticed how her eyes welled with tears after hearing his confession. The male started to worry thinking that he made her sad and started to talk.

"It's fine that you don't have the same feelings towards me baby. You can take~~" taehyung couldn't continue what he was about to say because y/n stood by her tiptoes and pressed her lips on Taehyung's. She gently pulled away after several seconds and looked at the shocked male who was standing in front of her and then y/n chuckled seeing Taehyung's facial expression.

"Well I hope you got the answer for your question, Kim Taehyung" she said softly and it was almost a whisper. But it was clear enough for taehyung to hear. As soon as the model heard what y/s said he pulled her towards him by wrapping his hand around the girl's waist and crashed his lips on hers.

Once Taehyung sealed their lips together, y/n quickly responded to the kiss and wrapped her hands around Taehyung's neck pulling him more closer to her. Taehyung chuckled softly against the kiss as he felt y/n pulling him towards her and he started to move his lips on hers kissing her passionately. Their lips moved in sync and the male took the lead and bit the girl's lower lip gently making her moan into the kiss.

Y/n felt her legs going numb but Taehyung was holding her firmly, yet gently by her waist. She loved how genuine and sincere this kiss felt and y/n felt like crying out of pure happiness. She didn't want this to end. She wanted to keep on staying closer to taehyung. Understanding how the girl liked this, he kissed her for some more time and gently pulled away without breaking the eye contact.

" Since when?" Taehyung asked y/n cupping her face with both of his warm hands.

"Mm?" Y/n said absentmindedly because she was still thinking about the kiss. Taehyung chuckled and kissed y/ns forehead for a few seconds letting his lips linger there for a moment. He stared into the sparkling eyes of y/n and smiled warmly. Right that moment, y/n s mobile started to ring and it was her mother who was calling her. But she ignored the call because the girl wanted to know what taehyung was about to say.

"Let's talk when we go home hmm? Your parents must be looking for you" taehyung said caressing her hair and y/n nodded at him in response. Then he offered his hand to y/n who took it immediately with a smile. Taehyung interwined their fingers and both of them walked to the hall where the party was held.

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