Chapter 24 - Nascent♡

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Taehyung and y/n came to the entrance of the venue where the party will be held and it was filled with many people and journalists. Taehyung felt y/n tense seeing the lot of people so he placed his hand gently over hers trying to assure her.

Y/n looked at him and taehyung smiled at the girl trying to calm her down. " Don't worry y/n-ssi. I am here and the security is here as well. Nothing will happen" he said and y/n nodded at taehyung trying to smile.
"Don't get down yet. Wait for me " saying that taehyung got down from the car and as soon as he got down, the security came and surrounded him without letting others come closer to the model.

Taehyung walked towards the passenger seat followed by the security and opened the passenger door and helped y/n to get down from the car. Once she was standing next to him, he closed the door and gave the car key to a butler asking him to park the car in the parking area.

"Let's go?" Taehyung asked from the girl and she nodded with a smile and put her arm around the males bicep once he offered his arm to her. Taehyung smiled feeling the warmth of the girl's hand around his and both of them started to walk towards the entrance of the venue followed by their guards.

"Please pose for a photo Mr. And Mrs. Kim" they heard someone say and taehyung looked at y/n asking whether she is comfortable with that. Understanding what the model gestured, y/n nodded with a smile.

"Let's walk up that stairs and pose hm?" Taehyung said softly and walked up the stairs with y/n. The journalists who were standing down the stairs were eagerly waiting to capture the best shot of the world famous model and his wife.

"Just pose like you do to a normal photo okay? Just be comfortable" taehyung said once both of them reached the elevated place. The cameras started flashing non-stop as taehyung and y/n started to pose for the media. Suddenly taehyung wrapped one of his arms around y/ns waist and waved at the cameras with the other. Y/n felt butterflies rambling in her tummy as soon as she felt Taehyung's hand around her waist and that made her smile ever so beautifully to the cameras showing how much she loved the way that the model cared for her.

After about 5 minutes, taehyung asked the journalists to stop taking pictures. He thanked them and offered his arm to y/n back again. Once she put her arm around his, they walked inside together.

The venue was simply lit but the beautiful decorations were well highlighted. The room was full of guests and businessmen. Taehyung looked around to see whether his hyung was there but he was nowhere in sight.

"Shall we go talk my mother Mr. Kim? She would love to talk with you" y/n said with a smile and taehyung nodded at her in response.

Well Taehyung has met the girl's two brothers but he has never met her mother. Taehyung was kinda nervous even though he didn't know why he was feeling like that. Y/n was looking for her mother and brother with her arm still around Taehyung's. Finally she spotted her mother sitting in a table with her brothers.

"There she is " y/n showed her mother to taehyung and the male looked at the elder and smiled.

"Your mother looks so beautiful" he said and y/n nodded with a wide smile on her face. " She really is so beautiful Mr. Kim. When I was small, I wanted to be like my mother. She is kind, pretty and she has such a great personality. Well, too bad that I am nothing like her." The girl said with a chuckled and taehyung listened to her carefully observing each one of her facial expressions.

"No y/n-ssi. With what you told about your mother, I can say that you are exactly like her. You are beautiful, pretty, kind and you have a great personality. So yeah. You can't say that you aren't like her. " Taehyung said with a smile and y/n felt heat rushing to her face hearing what he said. Taehyung noticed y/ns blushed cheeks even in the dim lights. He chuckled softly and watched y/n because he liked to see her smile.

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