Chapter 31 - Virago♡

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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n felt her heart turn cartwheels in extreme happiness as soon as she heard what taehyung said. She loved him so much as well and she has been waiting to make sure that Taehyung has the same feelings towards her. Now since he finally said what Y/n wanted to hear, she couldn't help but break into happy sobs.

The girl didn't say anything but she kneeled infront of Taehyung to reach his level and engulfed him into a tight hug. She circled her small, delicate arms around him and buried her face in Taehyung's neck. With a smile, Taehyung immediately hugged y/n back pulling her even more closer to him. He could hear the girl's soft sobs but Taehyung knew that they were not sad tears but tears of happiness.

"Dont cry my baby " He said gently rubbing her back. Y/n stayed hugging Taehyung for a while and she slowly pulled away from the hug and looked at taehyung with her tear filled eyes.

"I never knew that I would start feeling this way towards you Tae. Even though I liked you as a celebrity, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine of getting married to you. Because duh, you were in a position where it was unreachable for me. But look at us now, where we are. I am married to you and now we have eventually fallen in love with each other" Y/n kept on saying but taehyung cut her off without letting her speak anymore.

"What did you just say baby? Fallen in love with each other? Do- do you love me as well? " Taehyung asked from the younger looking at her with his widened eyes.

"Am I supposed to answer that question you silly?" Y/n said with a soft chuckle. "Of course Kim Taehyung-ssi. I LOVE YOU! I have loved you always and i am beyond happy that you confessed your feelings to me. I really dont know what else to say than saying this over and over again. I love you my Taehyungie. I love you and will always love you no matter what. If you want me to say it a billion times, I would say it over and over again gladly. Because I love you beyond belief."

Taehyung listened to every word that came out of y/ns mouth with utmost happiness and he wanted to engrave each and every word the younger said in his heart. Because he never knew that he would be able to love someone like this but now, Taehyung was in a position where he couldn't even imagine his life without Y/n. He looked at the girl who was staring at him with her glistening eyes and his lips curled into a very beautiful smile. Taehyungs eyes went from y/n s eyes to her pink pillowy lips and he didn't want wait anymore so he captured her lips with his, sealing their mouths together.

Taehyung pressed his lips on her for several seconds and pulled away slowly without breaking their eye contact. Y/n whimpered due to the sudden loss of contact and a giggle escaped the model's mouth when he noticed how desperate Y/n was.

"I love you so much princess" saying that with a warm smile, taehyung cupped the girl's soft cheeks with his hands and slowly placed his lips over hers kissing y/n gently.

Y/n immediately responded to the kiss as she wrapped one of her arms around Taehyung and her other arm around his nape. As she immersed herself in the kiss, her fingers found the model's soft hair and combed it pushing it back.

Taehyung moved his lips on the girl's soft, warm lips kissing them passionately. Their lips moved in sync and the male bit Y/n s lower lip softly, taking it in between his teeth. He teased her lips with his tongue and traced her lower lip with it asking for more access to which the younger immediately compiled to. As soon as Y/n s mouth opened under the pressure of Taehyungs lips, he darted his tongue into her mouth exploring her wet cavern. Taehyung took his time tasting every inch of her mouth, wanting to absorb every little detail about her.

Y/n felt her legs going numb due to the sensation she was feeling from the kiss but Taehyung was holding her firmly yet gently from her waist without letting her loose the balance. Y/n wrapped both her arms around Taehyung's neck stabilizing herself and pulled Taehyung closer to her trying to feel every inch of his body against hers.

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