Chapter 8 - Opulent♡

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Y/n felt her heart racing as soon as Hobi parked the car in the parking lot of her new house. Yoongi looked at her face with a sad smile but y/n forced a smile on her face to assure her brothers. Yoongi got down from the car first and he opened the door for his sister and helped her to get down. Y/n took yoongi's hand as she got down from the car and adjusted her dress.

Y/n s mother and father also got down from their car and looked at their children . Hobi and yoongi took y/n s hands as they escorted her into the house.

Mr. And Mrs kim was already there with Seokjin and they stood up seeing the Min family walking into the house.

" Woah y/n-ssi looks so beautiful " Mrs. Kim said smiling at y/n and y/n was surprised because her smile looked so real. If it was someone else, he or she would have thought that Mrs. Kim's smile was genuine but y/n knew their real faces.

" Thank you , momma " y/n said and Mr. Kim smiled at them. " It's great to see you getting close with us dearest " he said looking at y/n and then his eye went to yoongi and hobi.

" Your sons look so handsome Jungwon-ssi. You must be a proud father " Hanbin said and Jungwon smiled with a nod.

" Of course and you too Hanbin-ssi. You have two amazing sons as well " Jungwon said looking at seokjin.

" Then shall we proceed with the registration Jungwon-ssi?" Hanbin asked and Jungwon nodded in response.

" Our lawyer Mr. Baekho is here. Baekhossi come please" Hanbin called and a man wearing a black suit came into the house and greeted all of them.

" Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am Kang Baekho,Mr. Kim Hanbin's personal lawyer " he said while shaking hands with Jungwon .

" Then we shall proceed with the marriage registration Mr. Kim and Mr. Min. The bride Ms. Min Y/n, please take a seat and also the witnesses as well. " The lawyer said sitting Infront of them.

Y/n looked at her mother and she sat in the table and Seokjin and yoongi sat as the witnesses. Yoongi didn't want to do that but he couldn't refuse it since y/n herself asked him to be the witness from the bride's side.

The lawyer placed a document infront of y/n and smiled at her warmly.

" Ms. Y/n. this is your marriage certificate. You should sign in two copies since we need one to handover to the court. If you want you can go through this before you sign " the lawyer Mr. Kang said and y/n looked at the marriage certificate and started to read it. It was the same as the normal one but seeing the last sentence made her freeze on the spot.

"You should use the surname of your husband without using your own " it said and y/n didn't want to do that. If this was a love marriage she would have done that gladly but since this is something that she is forced to do, y/n wanted to refuse it.

" Mr. Kang, can we please change this condition. I prefer to use my surname rather than using Kim. " Y/n said and the lawyer shook his head saying no

" We are sorry we can't do that Ms. Y/n
Because then only this marriage contract will be valid " he said and y/n s father spoke with a nod.

" I don't see it as a problem y/n. It's totally fine " he said and yoongi glared at his father wanting him to shut up without hurting his sister more.

" Hmm " y/n humed and took the pen into her sweaty hands. Y/n was so nervous and she wanted to run back home leaving all of these. She looked at her mother with teary eyes and then and hobi who was standing next to her mother. Then y/n looked at the paper and placed the tip of the pen where she has to sign.

Y/n felt her hands tremble as she signed in both copies and a tear rolled down her face even though she tried to blink it away. Once y/n was done signing, Seokjin and yoongi also signed where the witnesses have to sign.

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