The police?

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Agent Chaeyoung was ringing the bell for 3 minutes until someone replied from the intercom.

"Who the hell is this?" It was Chou Tzuyu, showing the grumpy side of hers. The side that only appears when you suddenly wake her up at 2 in the morning.

"Tzuyu, it's Chaeng."

Tzuyu mumbled something, and a moment later, the intercom was turned off.

While Chaeyoung was patiently waiting for Tzuyu to open the door, she thought back at the phone call she received moments ago, also the reason why she had to visit the Chous.

30 minutes ago:
Chaeyoung was sitting in her police car when she heard her radio. Using her right hand, she pulled out her radio and answered.

"Agent Chaeyoung speaking."



"We just got a call from a little girl who reported that her mommy was killing her mama and asked for police officers to be sent," Dahyun said, but there was something strange in her tone.

"There's something you're not telling me, Dubu," Chaeyoung stated as she listened to her best friend carefully.

"Well...the call was from Minju."

"Minju?" Chaeyoung repeated, startled. "Minju as in the 5-year-old daughter of Sana and Tzuyu? That Minju?"

"Yep." Dahyun replied. "I don't really know the details but all she said besides her name and home address was: 'SEND THE POLICE! My mommy is killing my mama!' "

Chaeyoung was speechless while Dahyun just sighed from the other side.

"We're close with the family. And we both know this isn't right."

Right. Because Tzuyu loved her wife immensely. Chaeyoung couldn't think of a greater love shared between two people.

"So I was thinking it's best to send someone who knows them, because obviously something's off. And your perfect for the job since you're close to them and besides you're already on patrol."

"I'll head there immediately Dubu." Then Chaeyoung turned off the radio and started the car.

End of flashback (EoF)

The door opened and a tired-looking Tzuyu appeared. She was wearing and oversized shirt paired with shorts, and her hair was in a mess.

"Chaeng, it's 2 in the morning. What's going on?"

"We received a call from your house," Chaeyoung explained, "Just wanted to check if everything's alright."

"Excuse me? A call?" Tzuyu repeated.

"A call from..."

"I called you!" the shrill voice of a little girl suddenly reached both women's ears. Then, a brown-haired girl appeared behind from her mommy's leg, showing just her little head. "I called the police!"

"What? Minju, darling, why did you call the police?" Tzuyu asked her daughter, confusion clearly displayed on her face.

"Because you were killing mama!" the little girl retorted, pointing an accusatory finger at her baffled mother. "I heard mama screaming!"

Chaeyoung looked down at the little girl, then at her best friend.

Tzuyu stared at her daughter for a very long time before she turned back and called, "Love? Can you please come down here for a minute?"

Moments later,  Sana appeared at the top of the stairs.


As she came down the stairs, she yawned and tightened the knot on her night robe.

"Tzuyu, what's going on?" Then she saw the shorter woman. "Chaeyoung?"

"Mama!" Minju cried, throwing herself at her mama's legs. "You're not dead! Mommy didn't kill you!" She clung onto her mother's legs with as much desperation and strength a 5-year-old child could muster.

"Don't worry, Mama! Aunt Chaeyoung is here to save you! Mommy can't hurt you anymore!" Minju screamed.

Now it was Sana's turn to look lost.

"Kill me?" Sana looked at her wife and then at Chaeyoung. Her eyes asking for the explanation of this situation, but she noticed that they were as lost as she was.

Tzuyu sighed and decided to take control of the current situation. She kneeled down and pulled Minju towards her, looking into her daughter's eyes.

"Alright, Minju. Explain," Tzuyu instructed her daughter calmly, "You said you called the police because you thought I was killing your mama, whom is the love of my life and the person I swore to spend my entire life with?" Given the current situation, it was obvious that Tzuyu killing her wife could and would never happen.

Standing beside Tzuyu, the little girl just nodded.

"Why would you think I would kill your mama aka my love?" Tzuyu emphasized.

"Because I heard her!" Tears were streaming out of her eyes.

"What did you hear, darling?"

The little girl stayed silent for a few seconds as she dried her tears with the back of her hand.

"I went to your bedroom, to ask you whether I could sleep with you and mama because I was scared. But your door was shut and I heard Mama making a lot of noise and breathing hard like after I run a lot. Mama also kept screaming your name and repeatedly said 'Oh god!'. After that she screamed one last time before it became quiet." Minju said.

Then she looked up at Sana. "You were praying for help right, Mama?" Minju asked innocently.

The silence the followed after the question was extremely loud. All three women suddenly became wide awake as realization occured.

Sana instinctively closed the V-shaped neckline of her night robe. Her eyes were wide open, mouth agape and avoided eye contact with everyone in the room. Embarrassment filled her body as her cheeks were tainted with a reddish colour.

Tzuyu cleared her throat, unsure what to say next. She was shocked at first but soon became embarrassed as she flushed red. She cleared her throat yet again.

"I'm so sorry you had to come all this way just because of this Chaeng."

"Oh no it's fine Tzuyu. It was entertaining while it lasted. Sorry for the intrusion and may all of you have a pleasant night." Chaeyoung said as she tipped her police cap.

She then smiled knowingly at the couple and wiggled her eyebrows. She just couldn't stop smiling at the couple who flared with a deep shade of red. Then she turned on her back and walked back to her car.

Sana and Tzuyu watched their friend get into the police car, the blushes still not dying down.

"What?" Minju asked both her mothers.

"We'll talk about this in the morning darling." Tzuyu told her daughter as she lifted Minju. Sana nodded and the family then retreated back into their cosy beds, while Chaeyoung was laughing her ass off in the police car while informing the others about this incident.

Author's note:
This is my first story. I hope all of yallz like it

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