Mama Tzuyu and Mommy Sana

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Chou Sana woke up missing the warmth of the person on the left side of the bed. She slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the light from the window. It was a sunny morning but Sana's too sleepy to wake up. She's been going in and out of dreamland because of a mother's duty. Baby Minju is a very sensitive sleeper and she wakes up whenever she feels uncomfortable.

Sana was about to go back to sleep when she got curious as to where her dear wife might be. The younger girl doesn't have any schedule today and promised to spend time with her and Minju. She's thankful of Tzuyu's efforts to give them time even with her tight schedule. Sana admits that she had her own worries the moment she realized that her wife might change because she's not what she used to be.

However, all of her worries vanished when she saw how thankful and happy Tzuyu was while cradling their daughter in the hospital. She even heard her friends teasing Tzuyu about crying outside of the delivery room when she first heard Minju cry. Her heart is full of love because of the one and only Chou Tzuyu and she wouldn't asked for more.

Sana stood up from the bed and did a bit of stretching, went inside the bathroom and did her morning routine. Suddenly, as Sana stepped out of the bathroom, she realised something.

Baby Minju should already be crying at the time in the morning but it's a mystery as of why the littlest Chou is still not crying.

In worry, Sana peeked inside the nursery just to be surprised by the sweetest sight she wished to see every morning — Tzuyu inside playing with Minju. Sana kept quiet and just watched the two interact.

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Tzuyu woke up early, after she realized that she doesn't have a schedule. She wanted to join Sana back in dreamland but there was something that she wanted to do without any interruption. She carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After she's done washing up, she tip-toed out of the room and off she went to the nursery.

There inside the crib is her little angel. For months, Tzuyu wished to have time for her family. And given the stressful work that she has, she barely has time with them. Tzuyu almost melted at the cute sight that she saw. Minju is cutely doing her morning routine. With her two legs up, little Minju is trying to reach her feet with her two chubby hands. Stretching as she kept trying to reach her feet, Minju gave up earning a soft chuckle from her Mama Tzuyu. The little human tilted her head to where she heard that familiar chuckle. Tzuyu walked towards the crib and Minju automatically reached her arms out to Tzuyu, as if signalling her mama to carry her.

"Awww. My baby wants to be carried in the morning huh?"
Tzuyu said as if Minju can already understand her.

Tzuyu immediately carried Minju and showered her with some kisses which the latter enjoyed. She cooed at the cute sight of her baby giggling because of her ticklish kisses. Minju laughed putting her fingers inside her mouth, her laugh echoed inside the nursery followed by a cute grumble coming from the stomach of the littlest Chou.

"Are you hungry, baby? But your Mommy isn't awake yet,"
Tzuyu sadly informed Minju who keeps on pulling her shirt down.

"mmi~" Minju said.

"Oh!" Tzuyu was surprised hearing Minju talk.

Minju then giggled seeing how funny her Mama Tzuyu's surprised face was.

"mmi~" Minju repeated.

"Waa~ you know how to say Mommy already?" Tzuyu asked her child.

"Mmmm-" Minju hummed as if she was answering Tzuyu's question.

"How about me? Can you say Mama?" Tzuyu asked Minju as she played with her little hands..


"Nooo~ say ma-ma..." Tzuyu slowly explained.

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