Mafia leader

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Sana kisses the top of the last kitten's head before tucking him inside the cage. It was well past eleven at night and she was just finishing off the last bit of the cleaning before she heads to bed. That was one of the best advantages of living above her vet clinic. Sana picked up a few strays during the day and wanted to keep them instead of letting them starve. So, her vet clinic is more of a mix of a shelter and a vet clinic that offers the usual health services.

"Good night, cuties," Sana whispers as she smiles at the animals that were fast asleep. That was when she saw the large bag of trash that was waiting to be taken out. Sana contemplated whether on leaving it inside or quickly running out to throw it as she could feel the tiredness creep in. But, she'd rather get it done now than deal with a foul-smelling clinic in the morning.

Trying to be as quick as possible, Sana exits through the back door to where the rubbish bins were located. It was dark and she can barely see where she was going in the alley. The stupid lights that were hanging on the walls had been flickering for over two weeks now and since no one has ever came by to fix it, she'll most likely have to replace it herself. Just as she opens the lid of the bin, Sana hears a small whimper. She paused, whipping her head towards the direction she had heard the sound come from. Could it be another stray kitten?

Never being one to ignore cries from strays, Sana left the bag on the floor as she walks towards the opposite direction. The whimpers are no longer quiet and started sounding more like a person. On reflex, Sana pats her pockets, checking for her pepper spray and her little switchblade. Both were gifts from her best friends to help keep her out of trouble and danger. Sana never had a chance to use them and she really hopes today won't be the first time. As she nears the edge of the alley, Sana suddenly becomes hesitant. There was a streetlight shedding enough light for her to peek around. She could hear her heart's thundering beats echoing in her ears.

Usually, a normal person would turn back around and go into hiding. But, there's a sense of uneasiness that takes a hold of Sana. What if that person is badly hurt? What if that person dies because of their injury? Sana had a sudden urge to check it out.

"H-hello?" Sana stutters, noticing a slouched figure in the shadows. "It isn't a dead body, right? Tell me that isn't a dead body. Of course, no one would abandon a dead body in a side alley in the middle of the night. Unless that person is a psychopath," Sana thought to herself as she squints to see the person clearer.

More whimpering and groans could be heard that sounded like someone was in pain. Sana holds the pepper spray in her hand tightly, ready to spray it at any given second. The moment Sana spots the person – a woman, to be exact – she almost drops the can. She can't make out much, but the woman is wearing a vest and tie, leaning against the wall, visibly in a lot of pain. Sana's focus immediately falls on her injuries. There's a gash along her right cheek, which looks like it had stopped bleeding. But the main area of concern seems to be on the left arm, where the woman seems to be pressing on a deep wound.

"Do you need any help? Should I call an ambulance?" Sana  rushes to her side. Sana's breath catches in her throat when the woman opens her eyes, pure pits of darkness. It was almost as if she's staring right through her.

"Okay, so no ambulances. Can I help you then?"

At first, the woman shakes her head, trying to hide further into the shadows. She makes an attempt to stand up, but stumbles, which resulted in Sana steadying her.

"You're not in any position to walk. I promise it won't take long. I'm a vet and this is my place right here," Sana points at the door, "I can patch you up inside."

"Outside," the woman manages to say, head lolling to the side.

Sana grumbles under her breath, frustrated with her stubbornness. She contemplates her choices, realising that she can't do much. Sana's grateful for the few extra units she picked up in university to deal with human injuries. "I'm going to rip your sleeve," without letting the woman  respond, Sana tears the white cloth, attempting to muffle a gasp at the sight before her. Sana swiftly ties the cloth around the woman's arm tightly, with hopes to ease the bleeding. Some of the blood seeps through the white fabric and she shakes her head, "You can't let that go untreated."

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