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Sana and Tzuyu were almost the very definition of opposites. Night and day, yin and yang, all of the other cliché contradictions. Sana was a scarlet sunrise, the clouds dyed a faint and rosy pink with the promise of a new and fulfilling day. Tzuyu was a broad and vast nighttime, stretching out over the world with a blanket of indigo and deep purple. Sana was brimming with an all consuming curiosity, much like a fierce wave tossing itself against rocks again and again. Tzuyu was patient and subdued, a calm stream weaving and gliding along. 

Most of the time, people marveled at how the two of them had ever gotten together. How did someone like Tzuyu, who never opened her mouth, catch the attention of someone like Sana, who was never without a good word for anyone? Even seeing them walk beside each other seemed like a small miracle in itself. Sana was always nonstop chatter, pointing things out, and Tzuyu was quiet beside her, merely squeezing her hand or nodding in acknowledgment when Sana asked her something. 

They knew better when they were alone. Their fronts were merely that: a façade to keep people from asking too many questions. 

Sana often thought about this when they went on their dates at dawn. They'd started doing them about six months ago, when Tzuyu ran out of ways to entertain Sana as she stared, weary and burning eyed, at her ceiling. She just couldn't sleep sometimes, even when Tzuyu was there. Sana had never known why, and she hated that she couldn't flip a switch to turn her mind off. But that was the way it was. Tzuyu never complained. 

She'd suggested they walk down to the local skate park, which was always empty at that time of day, and watch the sun come up together. Since Sana liked to be surprised whenever it rose, they'd wile the time away counting stars, or Tzuyu singing softly to Sana as she kept her head in Tzuyu's lap, and then Tzuyu would gently nudge her awake in time for the first rays to brush the sky. 

This time, Sana was simply brimming with an inexplicable energy. It was yet another contrast to Tzuyu- who was sitting patiently on the lip of the steepest skate ramp, looking at her phone- but Sana didn't mind that. Tzuyu was there to ground her and pull her back to reality. 

Sana knew nothing about skating. Tzuyu was borderline professional, like so many other things that Sana was in awe of her for. It wouldn't seem like Tzuyu was interested in hobbies like that, but beneath the quiet demeanor and the carefully thoughtful expression, Tzuyu was the most fascinating person Sana knew. 

Sana grew bored of scampering over the half pipe and bounded to Tzuyu's side, planting a warm kiss on her cool cheek and beaming when Tzuyu smiled back. 

"Are you warm enough?" Tzuyu asked, peering at Sana's simple sweater and jeans. She frowned a bit, absently rubbing at the worn cuff of her own customized black jacket. She, Chaeyoung, and Mina skated together every weekend, and eventually Chaeyoung talked the other two into getting customized hoodies, with a different number for each, to strengthen their little clique. It was a nice idea, but Tzuyu often looked like the odd one out, as Sana always stole the jacket to sleep in and only gave back when it needed to smell like Tzuyu again. 

"I'm fine, baby."


Sana leaned over and clasped Tzuyu's face in her hands. Tzuyu went quiet, eyes fluttering shut for a moment as Sana's fingers lightly traced over her features, gliding under her lip and giggling when Tzuyu pressed a kiss to it. Then she kissed Tzuyu in full. 

Chou Tzuyu kissed like she did anything else: considerate, warm, and simply doting. It always sent a quiet shudder under Sana's skin when Tzuyu pulled her closer, nibbled gently on Sana's lower lip, cupped her cheek with feather-light touches. But not enough to make Sana feel breakable. Simply enough to make her feel adored. 

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