Rivalry? (IV)

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Sana could no longer look at Tzuyu the same after that night—a part of her, the part she had kept so buried below the surface, was now exposed to the person, who she'd deemed dangerous until just a few months ago. She struggled with the thought that Tzuyu could now see her vulnerability.

She'd been there with Jihyo before and she never wanted to be there again.

But Tzuyu wasn't Jihyo. Far from it.

Sana tried, with emphasis on tried, to stay distant. For the next couple weeks while they hammered out the lawsuit and set more things in motion for the next few court dates, she tried to keep their interactions minimal in the office. But as luck would have it, all of Tzuyu's work revolved around being in meetings with her, working in the conference room together and what was worse—when they got home, well, that was an entirely different ballgame.

They still slept in the same bed, every morning they got dressed in the same room, ate breakfast together at the table.

Even when the seasons changed and winter faded into spring, their dynamic remained the same and at different times of the day Sana found herself thinking of Tzuyu as her actual wife and not just the roles they'd chosen to play. She thought of the alpha before herself, completely weak to her body's biology.

With the pass of each day the wedding band on her finger weighed heavier. Sana convinced herself that they were doing such a good job at fooling everyone that they were a bit lost in the ruse themselves but it was easy to say that when it was Tzuyu's arms that she got to be in every night.

Tzuyu had ripped down the guard she'd spent years putting up, only for Sana to let her in willingly—and what's worse was, she kind of loved it.

- - - - -

"What—what did you say?" Tzuyu coughed, unaware Sana had said anything through the thick air as she continued to plow into her, the dining room table beneath them creaking with the effort.

Sana was perched on the end, legs wrapped around Tzuyu's waist, her nails attached to Tzuyu's back above her shirt, clawing at the flimsy fabric, her head was tilted back, one of Tzuyu's ties wrapped tightly around her eyes.

She squeezed around Tzuyu's cock, making the alpha grunt again. Sana breathed a shuddered gasp, her stomach burning with the effort of using her core strength to hold herself up against the alpha's relentless pounding. "I said," Sana tried to steady herself, "Don't come inside me here, I don't want it getting on the table."

Tzuyu rolled her eyes, grateful that the blindfold covering Sana's eyes didn't give away her annoyed expression and with a sharp jog of her hips, snapped them forward into Sana's grasping hole, "Fuck, what am I supposed to do? Pulling out will make more of a mess—"

"If you do, I'm making you wear a condom for the whole of next month, got it, sweetheart?" Sana punctuated her words with a sharp jab of her nails to Tzuyu's back but the woman didn't seem convinced.

Tzuyu scoffed.

"Please, I doubt you could even go a week with me wearing a condom, princess," Tzuyu spat the pet name back at her with a rough hand between them, rubbing Sana's clit to throw her over the edge.

"I said what I said, I don't want the table—oh!" Sana gasped when Tzuyu's hips took off again, ignoring whatever she was about to say in favor of chasing the orgasms she'd been edging them to for the last half hour. Any thoughts of the table flew out of Sana's mind as she held on tightly and let her orgasm spiral through her body, like a coil snapping.

Using the rest of her strength before her legs turned to jelly, Tzuyu grabbed hold of Sana's ass for leverage and pulled her off the table. Using her featherlight weight to her advantage, she continued to fuck Sana through her orgasm, causing the older one to squirm and moan, jaw going slack—the new angle further prolonging the sensations for her.

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