Wait for me? (2)

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A week after that match, there was a very obvious shift in Sana and Tzuyu's dynamics. Well, that was what Mina noticed anyway.

Every morning as the both of them walked down to the Great Hall together, it was normal for Sana to start talking about the younger girl. Sana always talked about how she was going to annoy the girl but that was until the morning after the match. "Minari...do you think I should apologise to Tzutzu about her arm. I mean it was my fault she hurt it after all, and how should I make her feel better after that idiot called her that word yesterday?"

Mina halted to an abrupt stop and raised an eyebrow at the Hufflepuff girl who was a few steps in front her before narrowing her eyes, "Why are you suddenly talking about apologising to Tzuyu? I know you have a crush on her but every morning you would scheme on how to annoy her, not about how you should make her feel better. And since when do you call Tzuyu that awfully adorable nickname?"

Sana blushed at Mina's questions, "I'm not obliged to answer yo-" Sana then shut herself up when she saw the Slytherin duo walking up the staircase opposite them. Mina, who craned her head to look at what caught Sana's attention, instantly brightened up when the short Slytherin girl waved enthusiastically at her, "Mina unnie! Good morning!"

Chaeyoung ran over from Tzuyu's side and engulfed Mina in a tight hug which made both Sana and Tzuyu stare at them in confusion. Tzuyu then rolled her eyes and walked over to where Sana was, still looking at her best friend in utter confusion.

"Good morning, Sana unnie," Tzuyu smiled, ruffling the older girl's orange hair. Sana only beamed at the action, a blush surfacing, "Good morning, Tzutzu!"

Mina looked over with her narrowed eyes as Chaeyoung spelled out her thoughts, "Since when was those two that close. And what's with the nickname?" Mina turned her head to the younger girl in her arms and nodded fervently, "Exactly my point! I was trying to get answers out of Sana's just now but that girl wouldn't say anything."

The Slytherin and Ravenclaw could only watch as the other two engaged in a friendly conversation which has never happened in the past four years whilst walking to the Great Hall for breakfast. The moment they entered the Hall, Mina detached herself from Chaeyoung, albeit unwillingly, and pulled Sana away from Tzuyu who scowled at the sudden interruption before her mask of indifference appeared once more.

"Okay. Speak up, Minatozaki. Whatever the fuck is going on between you and Tzuyu?"

"As if you don't have anything going on as well. How about you and Chaeyoung?"

Mina blushed at the mention of the small Slytherin girl, a whisper of a smile played on her lips before her face hardened, "Don't change the topic, bitch. Now, spill before I pull Momoring over and make her tickle you until you beg for her to stop."

"Puh-lease, as if I'm scared of a mere tickle attack from Momoring," Sana challenged despite knowing she was in for hell in the next few seconds.

Mina then called out for the Gryffindor girl who appeared by her side in the blink of an eye.

"I have been summoned. Did you find any new snacks for me to try?"

"Momoring, Satang here has secrets and she doesn't want to tell the both of us," Mina explained with a sweet voice and a pout, knowing that the oldest Japanese could never resist her pout.


Momo whipped her head towards Sana, "I'll give you 30 seconds to start spilling before I start with the tickling. 30...29...28...27..."

"Oh good lords...fine, you bastards."

The two other Japanese girls watched Sana in rapt attention as the Hufflepuff started explaining the entire situation. As Sana neared the end of her explanation, Mina spoke up, "What are you waiting for? Just start dating already. What's the point of all this if the feelings are mutual?"

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