Be mine?

712 48 26

Roses are red and violets are blue

You want me, I want you

So will you be my Valentines too?

"Gosh, Satang, you're so corny, seriously," Momo hides her face in her hands in second-hand embarrassment for Sana.

Sana blushes, gazing at the sticky note. She was trying to figure out how to ask her crush out. And from certain people's perspective, the captain of the cheerleading team asking out one of the quietest nerds in their class seems a little off. But they wouldn't understand because she's the cutest nerd in the school and Sana has been pining over her for some time now. She isn't going to let her friends or anybody else stop her from wanting to pursue her crush.

Regardless of the many people trying to score a Valentines date with Sana, she really shouldn't be saying she already had one because here she is, stuck with a stupid poem. Momo was right, what is she doing?

Sana's talked with her crush, Chou Tzuyu, a few times before. Occasionally, they'd be paired together for assignments or the blonde would always be there at study hall. She's a popular tutor, everyone running to her whenever they need help with their assignments, at least the general courses that everyone takes.

Sana formally met the girl at a party, a whole different Tzuyu actually. Sana couldn't keep her eyes off her stunning form, blonde hair half tied up and the other half let down, wearing baggy cargos, with glasses, a simple shredded gray sweatshirt and black Oxford Doc Martens. Her outfit was so simple but so gay at the same time that it might have given Sana the confidence to ask her out when she had the chance. Moreover, Tzuyu skates and plays the guitar which was definitely something which Sana found hot.

However, it has been a few months since the party. There's nothing she's afraid of, but for the first time, Sana doesn't know what she'll do if she were to be rejected. Well, she can take rejection but from her crush? Sana thinks she'd actually cry in front of Tzuyu.

A glimpse of hope being one of their mutual friends letting Sana in on a little secret. That being Tzuyu subtly glancing at her and asking her friends if they knew Sana. It was all the brunette needed to begin her plan of capturing Tzuyu's heart.

So, she sat down at the library with Momo while they figured out what to do.

"Sana unnie? What are you doing here?" A voice approaches from behind, causing the brunette to look behind her.

Momo widens her eyes. "It's Tzuyu! Hide everything!" She whisper screams, pushing everything into the bag and under the table.

Tzuyu reaches them, a concerned expression painting her face. "Are you guys okay....?" The blonde raises an eyebrow. She has her backpack slung over her shoulder, textbook in hand.

Smiling as wide as she can, Sana sweeps a strand of hair behind her ear nervously as she looks up at the blonde, "Yes, everything's great. Just peachy, absolutely fine!"

Yeah, everything was absolutely wrong.

Tzuyu gives her an awkward look, pressing her lips together while nodding along, "I'm just going to hold you up to that. Even if you guys look like the total opposite of okay." Tzuyu shrugs, walking away to the other tables.

When she's finally gone, Sana sighs, her eyes still following the blonde's frame. "She's so cute, right, Momoring?" Sana doesn't make an attempt to gaze at her friend, keeping her eyes on the blonde girl.

Her best friend exhales in relief before pulling back out the items of the bag.

- - - - -

The cheerleading team would always have to deal with the stupid football team.

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