Say something (1)

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"You're doing it again," Dahyun commented idly, not looking up from the book she was reading in her hands.

Tzuyu glanced sharply at her. "Doing what?" she asked in a tense but otherwise guilty voice.

Dahyun shrugged. "Staring at the one and only Minatozaki Sana."

It was History, which meant that Tzuyu and Dahyun were seated together in the very center of the library where they had been tasked to research on their next project. As the President and Vice President of their class, they were also expected to keep their classmates quiet while the teacher, Sunmi Lee, was off doing other errands. Dahyun, having already finished with her work, was now reading a book that Tzuyu suspected was given to her by none other than Myoui Mina, the foreign exchange student from America who had a soft spot for the president.

"I'm not," Tzuyu mumbled, looking down at her notes, "I was just staring off into space."

"I wasn't aware that space meant the back of Minatozaki Sana's head," Dahyun jokingly said.

"You know you don't have to say her entire name out loud, right?"

Dahyun smirked, put down her book and enunciated, very clearly but low enough thay her voice couldn't be heard over the chatter of their classmates, "Mi—na—to—za—ki—Sa—" She was cut off by the distressed expression on Tzuyu's face, giggling to herself. "I'm only joking, Tzuyu-yah."

"Well, you're not funny." Tzuyu let out an aggravated sigh and sheepishly looked over at the subject of their conversation. Minatozaki Sana was laughing at whatever Im Nayeon was saying, which made something Tzuyu's chest ache.

"Hey, I have a proposition," Dahyun said, "Why don't you—you know, like a normal human being—go out there and talk to her?"

Tzuyu's eyes widened. "Are you insane? She's like... so pretty. How am I supposed to walk up to her, open my mouth, and come up with words that won't make her think I'm a sad, pathetic loser?"

Dahyun raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think you're a sad, pathetic loser?"

"Well, I'm the one with the least stickers out of all of us," Tzuyu pointed out.

"The sticker system is flawed," Dahyun said, "It doesn't really show smart or talented you are in classes—it just shows you which student the teacher favors out of everybody."

Unconsciously, they both angled their gaze to where Park Jihyo was sitting next to Myoui Mina—the teacher's pet and the foreign exchange student buried deep in their own research. It seemed that they were one of the few people who were taking the task given to them by Teacher Lee seriously. Next to Jihyo was a sticker-studded folder.

"You know what I mean," Dahyun said, waving away Tzuyu's worries.

Tzuyu sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Fine, whatever, but it still doesn't erase the fact that she's way out of my league."

"I don't know about that," Dahyun said knowingly, "She voted for you, right?"

"She wears glasses. Maybe she checked the wrong name."

Dahyun fixed her with a blank stare. "You do know that to vote for the Class President, you have to write the full name of the candidate of your choice? I don't know about you but Kim Dahyun is a far cry from Chou Tzuyu."

Tzuyu shrugged, playing with her pen. "I guess so," she mumbled.

"For real, talk to her." Dahyun's lips quirked into a smile. "She's a nice girl—she won't bite."

That was the least of Tzuyu's problems. Everybody knew Minatozaki Sana was nice—the same way everybody knew Park Jihyo was gunning for Valedictorian or that Hirai Momo and Im Nayeon had a thing for each other. But the more Tzuyu thought about how nice Sana was, the more she grew nervous. Because she didn't want to do or say anything that could make Sana not be nice to her. After all, Tzuyu wasn't the most outspoken or graceful person out there. This was why her friend group consisted of Kim Dahyun and sometimes, Son Chaeyoung (who was only there because she and Dahyun were churchmates) and Hirai Momo (who was only friends with her because she always had some imported snacks her father sent her hidden in her bag.)

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