Rivalry? (V)

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"Shall we begin?" The interviewer opened her folder and sifted through the documents before pulling out her case file, "As we discussed earlier, I am not a lawyer nor a judge. I work with the visa department and interview couples under investigation for illegal visa activity."

"Do you know why you're here?"

Sana nodded, "Yes."

She swallowed and nervously fidgeted with her clothing, the sleeves of her shirt, the bottom of her skirt and the choker necklace pushing painfully against her neck. Sana forced herself to smile at the old woman across from her. Her hair was tied into a grey, messy bun and the glasses kept on sliding down her face every time she looked down to read their file. She wasn't cold but she wasn't necessarily warm either.

"Can you state your legal name for the record?"

"Chou Sana."

"Thank you. As you know, you and your wife—Chou Tzuyu—have been investigated for reported visa fraud in the last few weeks. The department is reviewing a letter from your visa officer, Ms. Jang, and the evidence you have submitted to prove your innocence. Are there any further questions before we begin the cross-examination, Mrs Chou?"

Sana shook her head, heart thrumming against her ribcage. She glanced at the clock above the wall, then let her eyes trial down the cold white walls of the room. "Then let's begin," The old woman sighed and made sure the audio was still recording.

- - - - -

Two weeks earlier...

"Would you stop pacing? You're making me anxious," Tzuyu mumbled arms crossed in front of her as she watched Sana move back and forth across the living room. "How are you not pacing?" Sana threw her hands up, stress evident on her face and in her scent. Tzuyu shrugged and leaned forward, elbows on her knees as she carded her fingers through her hair, "There's nothing we can do. We just have to wait for the cross-examination and continue our regular lives."

"It's been a whole week. An entire fucking week, Tzutzu! We're not allowed to go into the office, it's like they've declared us guilty already—we're just sitting ducks, waiting to be killed!" Sana finally sat down, putting her face in her hands. Tzuyu bit her lip and tried to move across the couch to be closer to Sana but couldn't find the right words to say, "Nothing has happened yet. They're still looking into everything. And as far as I know, we haven't left anything for them to catch us with."

Tzuyu didn't even seem convinced herself but if she had to be a wall for both of them then she was going to try her hardest. The omega shook her head, still groaning and muttering into her palms anxiously.

"Think of it as a paid vacation, not a temporary suspension," Tzuyu tried again, scratching the back of her neck. "What if we have no jobs to return to?" Sana pinched her eyes shut so hard they hurt before opening them, black spots fluttering in and out of her vision. "What did we even do this for? What–" Sana stood again and walked around the couch, Kaya and Butter following her with their heads tilted to the side.

"It's my fault," Tzuyu cut her off, voice low, eyes fixed on the floor, "It's my fault you're in this mess, it was my idea, Sana unnie." She looked to the omega's concerned face, distraught and worry colouring her features, "If it comes down to it, I'll take the blame—I promise, I won't let anything happen to you."

Tzuyu sounded firm, leaving no room for argument, but Sana's heart tugged at her admission and the thought of Tzuyu facing legal consequences and possible expulsion from the country made her almost sick.

"No. We both agreed to do this, Tzu. I'm just as much to blame."

Sana was about to turn away when a hand on her wrist stopped her. On instinct, she melted into the touch and let Tzuyu pull her into her chest, strong arms grounding her. She whispered, letting Sana curl against her, "I won't let anything happen to you, love. I promise."

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